The effect of exposome factors on the functions of filaggrin functions in atopic dermatitis





Atopic dermatitis is a heterogeneous inflammatory skin disease, which is affected by many internal (genetic) and external factors. The interaction between genetic and environmental factors is a complex dynamic process. These factors affect each other and can be interrelated.

This article discusses data on filaggrin and some exposome factors affecting it.

The term “exposome” refers to the impact of external factors on the biological environment of the body. The impact range is varied and includes chemicals, psychosocial and physical factors, as well as associated biological reactions that occur throughout human life.

The article examines the link between filaggrin mutations and genetic predisposition, as well as how the defects of the skin barrier, immunological imbalance, and a variety of stimuli have a potential impact. The mechanisms of action of various factors on filaggrin in atopic dermatitis are also considered. Furthermore, environmental factors can influence the expression of various genes and, as a result, create epigenetic changes in patients with atopic dermatitis.

The study of epigenetic changes is critical for understanding the molecular bases of this skin disease and optimizing treatment strategies.


Dali Macharadze

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5999-7085
SPIN 代码: 2399-5783

MD, Dr. Sci (Med.)

俄罗斯联邦, 6, Miklukho-Maklaya street, Moscow, 117198


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