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Vol 9, No 4 (2012)


Poly-functional anti-allergic activities of anti-histamine drug - rupatadine

Gushchin I.S.


Rupatadine is a new agent for the management of diseases with allergic inflammatory conditions. Rupatadine is a dual inhibitor of H 1- and platelet-activating factor (PAF)-receptors and possesses a broader profile of antiallergic properties inhibiting allergy target cells and secretion of different mediators involved in the early- and late-phase of allergic response. Rupatadine is a real example of poly-functional anti-allergic remedy.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):3-12
pages 3-12 views

Chitinase-like protein YKL-40 from nasal mucosa as a biomarker of allergic rhinitis

Tyurin Y.A., Sukmanskaya E.O., Kulikov S.N., Fassakhov R.S.


Background. Chitinase-like protein YKL-40 plays an important role in human atopic diseases. The aim of this study was to determine of the level of chitinase-like protein YKL-40 in the secretions of nasal mucosa of patients with chronic allergic rhinitis. Methods. Samples of allergic nasal mucosa were obtained from twelve patients with perennial allergic rhinitis. Measurement of nasal YKL-40 levels was performed with modification in duplicate using commercially available ELISA kits for YKL-40. The amount of nasal eosinophils and neutrophils were also determined. Results. There were significant differences between healthy volunteers and patients with allergic rhinitis for mucosal YKL-40 levels and the amount of nasal eosinophil and neutrophil cells, which have some characteristics closely associated with allergic response. The nasal YKL-40 levels in patients with allergic rhinitis were in tens times more higher than those in controls. Conclusion. Thus, we conclude that the level of chitinase-like protein YKL-40 was upregulated in allergic nasal mucosa compared with normal nasal mucosa, suggesting their roles in the pathogenesis of allergic rhinitis.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):13-17
pages 13-17 views

Assessment of prevalence of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma in Samara region

Blachentsev K.V., Manzhos M.V., Fedenko E.S., Kaganova T.I.


Background. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and incidence of allergic rhinitis (AR) and bronchial asthma (BA) among different groups of population of Samara region during 2001—2010. Methods. Material for analysis was taken from the statistic forms of municipality hospitals of Samara and the Samara region (form No. 12) during 2001—2010 in comparison with the corresponding indicators of Volga federal region (PFO) and the Russian Federation. Results. Prevalence of BAin all groups of patients in the Samara region in 2009 was revealed. These indicators were more than such indicators in Russian Federation — among children on 25%, in teenagers on 38%, in adult on 50%. Prevalence of AR among children and teenagers exceeded indicators in Russian Federation — among children on 44%, teenagers — on 68%. The incidence of asthma in adults is 2,5 times higher than the incidence of AR (95,8—30,5 per 100 thousand). Conclusion. High prevalence of AR and asthma in the Samara region with a tendency to increase, the discrepancy indices studied data from epidemiological studies that require further implementation of international recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of AR among general practitioners.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):18-25
pages 18-25 views

Clinical and laboratory phenotypes of severe combined immunodeficiencies with mutations in RAG1/RAG2 genes

Kondratenko I.V., Pashchenko O.E., Rodina Y.A., Belevtcev M.V., Van d.M., Bologov A.A.


Background. The RAG1 and RAG2 proteins are key players in the V(D)J recombination process leading to the assembly of antigen receptor genes. Defects in RAG1/RAG2 genes are caused to different phenotypes of severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCID). Objective — to determine the clinical and laboratory manifestations in patients with RAG1 / RAG2 mutations from one single center, to identify the phenotype-genotype correlations. Materials and methods. We described 4 children with RAG1 mutations. Diagnosis of SCID was confirmed by criteria’s of European society of immunodeficiencies (ESID). Results. In two patients we observed Omenn syndrome, in 1 — classic T -B -NK + SCID, in 1 — «sof» T +B -NK + SCID. One patient with Omenn syndrome and patient with «soft» SCID had same RAG1 mutations. Conclusions. RAG 1 / RAG2 mutations are caused to severe life-threatening combined immunodeficiency, requiring radical therapy. We found no genotype-phenotype correlations in patients with RAG1 defects.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Severe аtopic dermatitis: problems in care

Fedenko E.S., Elisyutina O.G., Shtyrbul O.V.


In this article problems in care of severe atopic dermatitis (AD) are considered. The main medications for AD treatment are topical corticosteroids, topical calcineurin inhibitors and emollients. In spite of adequate topical therapy the disease often gets a severe recurrent course with frequent exacerbations. In such cases treatment is considered to be a difficult problem and quite often it is necessary to use systemic preparations: corticosteroids, immunosupressors, cytostatics. They are able to reduce and control exacerbations fast and effectively, but because of side effects these preparations shouldn’t be applied for a long time. Considering increase of severe AD cases, now great attention is given to immunotherapy. In the article the retrospective analysis of data about 56 severe AD patients who underwent a course of complex treatment including plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulins is presented.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Atopic dermatitis in children and specific IgE to Stahpylococcus aureus superantigens: a compare with disease severity

Treneva M.S., Pampura A.N., Okuneva T.S.


Background. Staphylococus aureus (S. aureus ) function in atopic dermatitis (AD) children skin is double-handed: an infectious trigger and an allergen. The study was aimed to evaluate a frequency of S. aureus enterotoxins IgE work out in children with infected AD skin and to compare IgE levels with infected AD severity. Methods. Specific IgE to S. aureus enterotoxins A and B (ImmunoCap, Phadia AB, Sweden) detected in serum of 90 children with infected AD. IgE levels were compared to severity of infected AD (Mann—Whitney Utest). Results. Specific IgE>0,35 kUA/l to S. aureus enterotoxin A frequency was of 0,29; to enteritoxin B 0,36; to one of them 0,43. IgE to S. aureus enterotoxins were elevated in 16 children with therapy resistant AD in compare to other cases of AD (р=0,00183). Conclusion. In children with infected AD S. aureus enterotoxins A or/and B are revealed in 25—50% of cases. In children with therapy resistant AD specific IgE level to enterotoxins is elevated in comparison to severe or average AD children.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Why the nose is constantly running? ARIA international recommendations: diagnostics and treatment of allergic rhinitis

Lopatin A.S.


В обзорной статье представлена информация для практических врачей о дифференциальной диагностике «хронического насморка», классификации ринитов и современных рекомендациях ARIA по диагностике и лечению аллергического ринита. Особое внимание уделено необходимости назначения интраназальных глюкокортикостероидов (ИНГКС), приведены сравнительные сведения об их эффективности и безопасности. Описаны свойства ряда препаратов, доступных для применения российскими врачами, в том числе мометазона фуроата — препарата, давно известного в России и имеющего серьезную доказательную базу.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):42-49
pages 42-49 views

Pathogenetic substantiation of an integrated approach to topical therapy of atopic dermatitis

Fedenko E.S., Filimonova T.M., Elisyutina O.G., Shtyrbul O.V., Niyazov D.D.


The article contains a description of the various groups of drugs for topical treatment of atopic dermatitis with an assessment of their effectiveness, as well as the influence on the mechanisms of the immune response.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):50-55
pages 50-55 views

Modern treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Shvets S.M.


The article presents allergic conjunctivitis as an allergic disease affecting the occular surface and it’s modern treatment.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):56-63
pages 56-63 views

The interferon preparations in complex therapy of secondary immune insufficiency and respiratory infections at children and adults. Pros and cons

Luss L.V.


Recently, new comprehensive approaches are used in clinical practice for the treatment and prevention of various diseases leading to clinical signs of secondary immune insufficiency. Nonspecific method of regulation of immune reactions is one of them and is called immunomodulating therapy. In this article the look of the allergist on expediency of application of interferon preparations with immunotrophic effect is presented.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):64-71
pages 64-71 views

The estimation of efficiency of diet therapy in atopic dermatitis and food allergy in children

Revyakina V.A., Sharapova K.G., Berezina E.Y., Sentsova T.B., Monosova O.Y., Zotova A.M.


Background. Clinical and immunological estimation of efficiency of different special formulas in children with atopic dermatitis due to food allergy. Methods. Fifty four children with atopic dermatitis aged 0,5—3 years old were examined. Children were divided into three groups on the base of their diet therapy. The 1 st group included 15 patients on the hypoallergenic milk-free diet, the 2 nd group (18 patients) was fed by goat milk formula, and the 3 rd group (21 children) was fed by special formula with high hydrolyzed protein. The dynamics of serum levels of IgE and IgG antibodies to cow milk protein and its fractions, and dynamics of cytokine levels (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10) were measured during different types of diet therapy. Results. The positive skin changes during diet therapy included decrease of erythema, exudation and itching, gradual regression of rash. In 3 months of therapy complete clinical remission was achieved in 10 (66,7%) children in the 1 st group, in 14 (77,8%) children in the 2 nd group and in 15 (71,7%) children in the 3 rd group. The significant decrease of levels of IgG antibodies levels to cow milk protein and its fractions in children during different elimination diets was determined. The significant decrease of levels of specific IgE antibodies to cow milk protein (p<0,05) was registered only in children who were fed with goat milk formula; in children of other groups significant changes of this marker were not revealed. The significant decrease of IL-4 serum level was found in children of 2 nd group. Conclusion. The efficiency of diet therapy in children with atopic dermatitis depends on the correct choice of special food based on results of allergological examination.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):72-78
pages 72-78 views

Mometasone furoate dry powder inhaler for the treatment of asthma

Emelyanov A.V., Goryachkina L.A.


The review is focused on inhaled mometasone furoate (Asmanex Twisthaler), a new medication for the treatment of asthma in adults and childred (12 years and older). Mometasone furoate (MF) has high antiinflammatory activity and low systemic bioavalability. MF has an excellent safety and efficacy profile in approved doses 200—800 mcg/daily od (in the evening) or bid (in the morning and in the evening). For patients with persistent asthma required treatment with an inhaled corticosteroid, MF is an excellent therapeutic choice.
Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):79-87
pages 79-87 views

Congresses, Conferences

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Russian Journal of Allergy. 2012;9(4):88-89
pages 88-89 views

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