Allergy to lemon: case of oral allergic syndrome associated with allergic otitis media and labyrinthitis in a patient with polysensibilization and multiple manifestations of allergy

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Oral allergic syndrome is an IgEmediated allergic reaction to foods of plant origin in persons with sensitization to various pollen allergens. A clinical case of oral allergy syndrome caused by consumption of lemon in a 25-year-old woman with sensitization to many groups of allergens and presence of allergic otitis media and allergy-induced labyrinthitis is presented. The patient had a history of seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, contact allergic dermatitis, urticaria as a manifestation of drug allergy. In vivo (skin prick tests, prick-prick tests) and in vitro allergen specific diagnostics allowed to work out the individual diet and a hypoallergenic regime in this case.

About the authors

O S Prilutskiy

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University»


Yu A Lyhina

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University»


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