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Background. The aim of the study was to evaluate humoral immunity and efficacy of diet therapy in pregnant women with allergic history. Methods. Monitoring group comprised 118 pregnant women. The study group included 83 pregnant women who received dietary correction of the diet with the inclusion of the New Zealand goat milk. The comparison group consisted of 35 pregnant women, dietary recommendations, with the inclusion in the diet of the cow’s milk (CM). The content of total serum IgE was detected using the immunoassay analyzer using monospecific reagent. Allergenspecific IgE antibodies to CM, βLH, casein and soy protein were determined by enzyme immunoassay analyzer using commercial kits «Allergopharma». Contents of immunoglobulins G, A, M in the serum were determined by nephelometry on immunochemical analyzer IMMAGE. Results. Unlike women from the comparison group half of pregnant women had a core group of allergic diseases, the majority of women in both groups were observed burdened obstetric history, indicating a decrease in their reproductive function. Dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract were observed in 34,7% of pregnant women in both groups, and the frequency in women with an allergy was 2,3 times higher than in women not suffering from allergic reactions. High levels of total IgE in serum were observed in the patients with allergy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as their combination. The concentration of allergen specific IgE antibodies to proteins in cow’s milk was higher in women with IgEmediated allergies. In pregnant women with allergies and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract serum IgG and IgA levels were decreased. Conclusion. Application of hypoallergenic diet with cow’s milk replacement for New Zealand goat milk, as well as the exclusion of cow’s milk or a restriction in the diet of pregnant women caused a reduction of total IgE in the blood compared to previous treatment. Allergenspecific IgE antibodies to milk proteins decreased in the majority of women while dietary treatment.

About the authors

S N Denisova

N.I. Pirogov Russian National research Medical university; G.N. Speransky Pediatric City Clinical Hospital No. 9

Moscow, Russian

M Yu Belitskaya

G.N. Speransky Pediatric City Clinical Hospital No. 9

Moscow, Russian

T B Sentsova

Federal State Institute «Research and Development Establishment of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences»

Moscow, Russian

S V Bogdanova


Moscow, Russian


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