Polymorphism of the cytokine genes (H4, ИМ) and peculiarities of immune response depending on the control over atopic bronchial asthma in children

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Background. The aim of this study was to investigate the main indices of humoral and cellular immunity, the levels of cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, TNFa) and polymorphism of promoter regions of cytokine genes (IL4 and IL10) in children with atopic bronchial asthma (ABA) with different levels of disease control. Methods. We have analyzed 110 children with ABA - controlled (CABA, n=59) and uncontrolled (UABA, n=51) and healthy children (control group, n=52). Parameters of cellular immunity were determined by fluorescence microscopy using monoclonal antibodies to surface receptors. Parameters of humoral immunity and cytokine levels in the samples of serum were measured by ELISA. Genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the IL4 (С-590Т) and IL10 (С597А) genes was performed by PCR. Results. The level of TNFa and the relative amount of CD8+ cells was increased, while the counts of CD3+ cells and the relative amount of CD4+ cells was decreased in UABA as compared to CABA. In CABA, lower concentration of the IL-10 in serum associated with the IL10 A-597 allele was observed. The IL4 T-590 allele tends to be associated with non-controlled ABA. Conclusion. The level of TNFa, and the CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ cell counts were identified as markers of uncontrolled course of ABA in children. Polymorphic variants of IL4 and IL10 genes can be considered as candidate markers of uncontrolled ABA.

About the authors

M V Smolnikova

Federal State Budget Institution «Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North» of Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: smarinv@ya.ru

S V Smirnova

Federal State Budget Institution «Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North» of Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


O S Tyutina

Federal State Budget Institution «Scientific Research Institute for Medical Problems of the North» of Siberian Division of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences


S V Bychkovskaya

State budget institution of higher professional education «Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetzkiy» Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



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