Modern emollients impact on the damaged skin barrier at children with atopic dermatitis

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Introduction. Damaged skin barrier has significant role in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis (AD). Use of emollients is reasonable for skin care of AD patients. Background. To compare the clinical efficacy of Kserodian plus with traditional moisturizer (cream Unna) at children with atopic dermatitis. Materials and methods. The study included 31 children with AD. Children were divided into 2 groups: patients in group 1 (n=8) used Kserodian plus 2 times daily for skin lesions and limbs in the complex therapy, patients in the 2nd group (n=13) received combined therapy incorporating traditional dampening agent on the basis of lanolin (cream Unna) 3 times daily. All patients underwent measurement of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) (Tewameter TM 300, Multi Probe Adapter MPA 5/9, Courage + Khazaka) and the pH of the skin (SkinpHMeter, Multi Probe Adapter MPA 5/9, Courage + Khazaka) before and after 2 weeks of therapy. Results. Kserodian plus decreased erythema, dryness of the skin, itching, square of leasons in all the patients. Statistically significant decrease in the values of TEWL and skin surface pH (p<0,05) was observed. In patients used cream Unna a statistically significant decrease of TEWL values (p=0,0029) and skin surface pH (p=0,0018) was found; TEWL values and skin pH were significantly lower than in children treated with Kserodian plus (p=0,026 and p=0,033 respectively). Conclusion. Clinical efficacy of Kserodian plus as a compound improving skin barrier function in children with atopic dermatitis was shown.

About the authors

E T Kindeeva

Moscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child Surgery

г. Москва

A N Pampura

Moscow Research Institute of Pediatric and Child Surgery

г. Москва


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