Prevalence of mutations nt656g and V281L in indigenous children of Russian Far North



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Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a group of autosomal recessive disorders which is most often caused by deficiency of steroid 21-hydroxylase (CYP-21). High level of inbreeding in the populations of indigenous people of Russian Far North was the reason to assess the prevalence of CYP21-inactivating mutations nt656g (classical sodium wasting phenotype of CAH) and V281L (non-classical CAH) and the genotype-phenotype relationship in children-inhabitants of Yakutia and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region (YNAR). We examined children living in 9 settlements of Yakutia and in 4 settlements of YNAR: 65 Russians, 206 Sakha, 344 Evens, 88 Evenks, 34 Yukagirs, 7 Chukchi, 99 Dolgans, 41 Nenets, 137 Selkups, 21 others. Blood samples were drawn from 315 children living in Yakutia and from 176 children living in YNAR. Allele specific PCR was used (primers In2ns, In2ms, In2cs for mutation in intron 2 (656) A/C → G and primer Ex7ma for mutation in exon 7 (V281L)) with positive control DNA. In cases of positive reaction the procedure was repeated and if it was again positive sequencing was performed. We didn’t find homozygotes. Twelve heterozygotes have been revealed with mutations at CYP21 gene. Of them splicing mutation in intron 2 (nucleotide 656) was revealed on 1 chromosome, mutation in exon 7 (V281L) - on 11 chromosomes. Prevalence of mutation nt656g in Evens was 1:41 (2,4 : 100). In other ethnic groups it was not revealed. Hence on average for the whole studied group of children the prevalence of mutation nt656g was 0,4 : 100. The prevalence of mutation V281L was the highest in Chukchi (5,1 : 100) and Yukagirs (5 : 100) with average prevalence for the whole studied group 2,4 : 100. The prevalence of heterozygotes for the V281L mutation in whole studied group was found to be almost similar to the prevalence of heterozygotes for non-classical CAH in non-Ashkenazi population (1 : 60, Speiser P.W. et al., 1985). In Nenets and Selkup children living in YNAR the prevalence was half as high as the average for Native children in Yakutia.


Svetlana Yakovleva

Yakut Research Center for Complex Medical Problems

MD, PhD, Children’s Health Monitoring Laboratory

Tatiana Burtseva

Yakut Research Center for Complex Medical Problems

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Deputy Director Research

Viktor Shadrin

Yakut Research Center for Complex Medical Problems

MD, PhD, Senior Researcher

Elena Sinel’nikova

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging Faculty of Postgraduate Education

Sergei Avrusin

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Chair of Hospital Pediatrics

Alexei D’yachkov

Yakut Research Center for Complex Medical Problems

Olga Kononova

Diagnostic centre of the Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Inpatient Department, Head

Victoria Yur’yeva

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Chair of Outpatient Services, Assistant professor

Lyudmila Nikolaeva

“Republican Hospital N 1 - National Centre of Medicine”

MD, PhD, director

Vyacheslav Chasnyk

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Chair of Hospital Pediatrics, Head


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版权所有 © Yakovleva S.Y., Burtseva T.E., Shadrin V.P., Sinel’nikova E.V., Avrusin S.L., D’yachkov A.N., Kononova O.A., Yur’yeva V.V., Nikolaeva L.A., Chasnyk V.G., 2015

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