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Vol 14, No 4 (2023)

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Congenital organic hyperinsulinism. Phenotype spectrum predetermined by ABCC8 gene variants

Ivanov D.O., Ditkovskaya L.V., Maryina O.I., Turkunova M.E., Suspitsin E.N., Prokhorovich T.I.


Congenital hyperinsulinism is a hereditary disease belonging to the orphan group, clinically manifested by the development of persistent hypoglycemia in the neonatal period. Neurological disorders resulting from persistent hypoglycemia, in most cases, are accompanied by dysfunction of the central nervous system, regression and delayed psychomotor and speech development. Congenital hyperinsulinism is characterized by heterogeneity of disease phenotypes, manifested by different severity of hypoglycemic syndrome, metabolic and neurological manifestations, which makes it difficult to verify the diagnosis, dictates the need for a comprehensive examination, including molecular genetic analysis in patients and their families. This allows timely appointment of insulinostatic therapy, thereby reducing the risk of severe neurological and metabolic complications. The article presents a description of three clinical cases of сongenital hyperinsulinism associated with homozygous variants in the ABCC8 gene and an autosomal recessive type of inheritance, which were included in the number of patients previously studied by us with variants in the ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes. The results of this study were partially published by the authors earlier. The experience of monitoring these patients reflects the importance of early diagnosis of сongenital hyperinsulinism, including the use of molecular genetic testing, the timely administration of insulinostatic therapy, allows an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment, and reduces the risk of developing severe metabolic and neurological complications.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Original studies

Treatment of children with bronchial obstruction syndrome on the background of connective tissue dysplasia: realities and prospects

Tsymbal A.A., Arsentiev V.G., Shabalov N.P., Dumova N.B., Pakhomova M.A.


BACKGROUND: According to Rosstat, respiratory diseases are the most common reason for children to seek medical help. Anatomical and physiological features of the child’s body and infectious factors predispose to the development of bronchial obstruction syndrome. The scientific literature describes that the presence of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) worsens the course of bronchial obstruction syndrome. It is important to detect CTD in children with respiratory diseases, as they require more invasive examination methods. This group of patients has specific features of therapy, they need more careful dynamic monitoring.

AIM: Identification of CTD based on phenotypic signs and study of its features in patients of the pediatric pulmonology department with bronchial obstruction syndrome and chronic bronchial inflammation, assessment of the severity of the disease, analysis of examination methods and therapy.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The article presents data from a one-stage cohort study of 380 patients with bronchoobstructive syndrome who received inpatient treatment in the conditions of the pulmonology department of the St. Petersburg State Medical Institution “K.A. Rauhfus Children’s City Clinical Center of High Medical Technologies”, in the period from 2019 to 2022.

RESULTS: Conventional therapy, which is used to treat bronchial asthma, is not always effective for patients with CTD. Pediatric patients with CTD and bronchial asthma who are being treated in the pulmonology department are subjected to greater radiation exposure and procedures with a higher level of invasiveness, including fibrobronchoscopy.

CONCLUSIONS: Children with CTD are characterized by a burdened anamnesis of bronchopulmonary pathology (complicated course of pneumonia, spontaneous pneumothorax), the absence of complicated heredity by atopy. In the group of children with CTD, the prevalence of severe bronchial asthma and obliterating bronchiolitis was revealed. Examination of patients with CTD requires expensive diagnostic studies (computed tomography of the chest organs, fibrobronchoscopy), in the acute period of the disease — the appointment of systemic glucocorticosteroids, humanized monoclonal anti-IgE drugs are used to treat the disease.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):13-21
pages 13-21 views

Nutritional status of children with severe forms of cerebral palsy undergoing surgical orthopedic treatment for spastic hip dislocation

Evreinov V.V., Zhirova T.A.


BACKGROUND: Protein-energy deficiency can affect the results and outcome of surgical treatment in children with cerebral palsy. An objective assessment of nutritional status before surgery can reduce the potential risk of complications by planning and adjusting the diet during treatment.

AIM: The aim of this study is to assess the relationship of nutritional status with diet in children with severe forms of cerebral palsy who underwent surgical orthopedic treatment for spastic hip dislocations.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational, cross-sectional clinical study included 75 children with severe forms of cerebral palsy. Patients were divided into 2 groups — GMFCS IV and GMFCS V (Gross Motor Function Classification System). The nutritional status before surgery, the energy and nutritional value of the diet in the early postoperative period, the number of complications and the duration of hospitalization were assessed.

RESULTS: 51% (38/75) of children had problems with the safety and effectiveness of food intake, 24% (18/75) deficiency of body weight was detected, 33% (25/75) had a deficiency of muscle mass, all patients had a lack of body fat. The nutritional composition of the diet in the early postoperative period was 1.5–2.2 times lower than the age norm, covering 62% of the required daily calorie requirement and 50% in liquid. The potential risk of postoperative complications (95% CI) was: 0 — 3.9% in the total sample, 0 — 6.8% in the GMFCS IV group, and 0 — 8.6% in the GMFCS V group.

CONCLUSIONS: 1. The preoperative nutritional status of patients with severe forms of cerebral palsy included in the study did not correspond to the parameters of children without neurological diseases and depended on the severity of motor disorders according to GMFCS. 2. Unbalanced nutrition in hospital conditions contributed to postoperative deficiency of nutrients, energy, fluid and required correction. 3. The potential risk of complications in the postoperative period in the examined children with severe forms of cerebral palsy and low trophological status ranged from 0 to 3.9 %.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):23-31
pages 23-31 views

Acute EBV mononucleosis in children of various ages hospitalized in the infectious hospital of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University in 2017–2020

Fedorova A.V., Sukhovetskaya V.F., Timchenko V.N., Vasilyev A.G., Kaplina T.A., Bannova S.L., Barakina E.V., Chernova T.M., Subbotina M.D., Pavlova N.V., Nazarova A.N., Bulina O.V., Pavlova E.B.


BACKGROUND: The problem of acute EBV-mononucleosis is one of the most urgent in pediatrics. In the structure of the incidence of infectious mononucleosis, the proportion of the child population is 70–80%, children 4–8 years old are more often ill. Maternal antibodies protect an infant only in the first months of life, primary infection may occur at 3 months of age, and a manifest form of acute EBV-mononucleosis may develop at 6 months of age.

AIM: The aim of the study was to analyze peculiarities of acute EBV-mononucleosis in children of different ages hospitalized in the infectious diseases hospital of the Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The article presents data on 376 children aged 1 to 18 years with a diagnosis of Acute EBV mononucleosis, hospitalized in the period 2017–2020. In the infectious diseases department No. 1 of Saint Petersburg State Medical University. Etiological interpretation was carried out using ELISA (determination of IgM to VCA in the blood) and detection of EBV DNA in the blood by PCR.

RESULTS: In 89.6% of cases, the disease was of moderate severity. Acute onset of the disease was noted in 69.7% of cases, more often in children from 1 to 10 years old. Intoxication syndrome was observed with the same frequency in all age groups. Febrile fever was observed in 96.0% of patients. The syndrome of acute tonsillitis, lymphadenitis was detected in all patients. The phenomena of adenoiditis and hepatomegaly were more pronounced in younger children. Splenomegaly was recorded in 74.5% of cases, more often than hepatomegaly. Cytolysis syndrome was observed in every second child. In older age groups, there was a higher level of hyperenzymemia and a pronounced mononuclear reaction in the hemogram.

CONCLUSION: All the analyzed patients had a typical clinical picture of acute EBV mononucleosis with a characteristic syndrome complex. In most cases, the disease was of moderate severity, severe severity was recorded in 8.2% — mainly in older children. Involvement of the liver and spleen in the pathological process simultaneously took place in every second patient. In older age groups, there was a higher level of hyperfermentemia and a pronounced mononuclear reaction in the hemogram.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):33-41
pages 33-41 views

Cicatricial complications of respiratory papillomatosis surgical treatment at the department of Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University clinical hospital in 2019–2021

Dmitrenko V.V., Pavlov P.V., Verezgov V.A., Zakharova M.L., Breusenko D.V., Kuryanova Y.A., Kukushkina O.E., Gorkina O.K.


BACKGROUND: Respiratory papillomatosis requires combined treatment, adjuvant therapy and surgical treatment. Scarring complications often occur after surgical treatment.

AIM: To determine the frequency of cicatricial complications of surgical treatment of respiratory papillomatosis in children.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of the medical histories of 49 children who received surgical treatment at the clinic of the Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University for 3 years (from 2019 to 2021) was carried out. The data obtained were compared with the data of a meta-analysis conducted in 2022.

RESULTS: In the otolaryngological department of Saint Petersburg State Medical University from 2019 to 2021, 49 children aged 1 to 17 years — 25 boys and 24 girls — received surgical treatment. Primary papillomatosis was detected in 9 patients. The first surgical intervention was at the age of 2 years in 12 children (24.5%). Combined treatment was used: endolaryngeal removal of laryngeal papillomas with microsurgical instruments and administration of interferon alpha-2b in the postoperative period. Of the 49 patients, scarring was detected in 16 (32.6%). However, 29 patients were operated only at the Saint Petersburg State Medical University clinic — the percentage of cicatricial complications among them was 20.6%. 20 patients turned to the Saint Petersburg State Medical University clinic after treatment in other institutions — the percentage of cicatricial complications among them was 50%. Of all 49 children examined, scarring occurred in the vocal region in 10 children (62.5%), in the larynx — in 2 children (12.5%), in both departments in 4 children (25%). Scarring changes were not detected in the sub-vocal part of the larynx. The number of operations per year for each child ranged from 1 to 7, and for 3 years (from 2019 to 2021), the number of operations reached 20.

CONCLUSIONS: Scarring complications after surgical treatment of respiratory papillomatosis are quite common. It was revealed that the first surgical treatment is more often in the first 3 years of life. The choice of surgical technique affects the frequency of cicatricial complications, however, it is extremely difficult to avoid cicatricial complications as long as there is a need for surgical treatment.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):43-50
pages 43-50 views

Matrix metalloproteinaze inchibitors system and experimental drug-resistant kidney tuberculosis treatment effectiveness

Esmedlyaeva D.S., Alekseeva N.P., Dyakova M.E., Muravyev A.N., Ariel B.M., Vinogradova T.I.


BACKGROUND: Nephrotuberculosis is characterized by the accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins, the regulation of which is carried out by matrix metal propriets (MMP).

AIM: To study the dynamics of the MMP / inhibitors of the blood in the treatment of experimental nephrotuberculosis using mesenchymal stem cells (MSC).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Among the 20 rabbits with nephrotuberculosis caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the group 1 compiled by untrue animals; group 2 — with anti-tuberculosis therapy; group 3 — with anti-tuberculosis therapy and mesenchymal stem cells. The development of nephrotuberculosis was confirmed by the reaction with Diaskintest. In the blood serum, the levels of MMP (MMP-1,-9), their tissue inhibitor-TIMP-1, cystatin C (CC), creatinine (KR), albumin (AL), ceruloplasmin (CP), neutrophilic elastasis (NE) and adenosin deaminase (ADA) were determined. A histological examination of the kidneys was carried out. Used Statistica 7.0.

RESULTS: The presence of specific inflammation in the kidneys by 2.5 weeks in all groups was confirmed by increased levels of ADA, CP and a decrease in the body weight of animals, but was not accompanied by changes in the MMP-1,-9, TIMP-1, CC and KR. By the 21st week after infection in all groups, an increased level of ADA, NE and the KR was preserved, and the concentrations of CP and AL were normalized. In group 1 alone, high levels of MMP-9 and CC, foci of specific inflammation and distinct glomerulus changes were noted. The differences between the groups 3 and 2 were associated with lower values of the area of interstitial fibrosis and collagen (p = 0.03). A discriminant function based on the values of the MMP-1,-9, TIMP-1, NE, KR and CC, characterizing significant differences between three groups has been obtained.

CONCLUSIONS: 1. Nephrotuberculosis in rabbits infected with the Mycobacterium tuberculosis 5582 Beijing genotype, after 2.5 weeks was characterized by an increase in the blood of ADA, NE, CP and a decrease in AL, and the lack of changes in the MMP-1,-9 and TIMP-1, KR and CC. 2. The processing of nephrotuberculosis was accompanied by an increase in the blood of concentrations of hell, NE and KR, MMP-9 and CC, but not MMP-1 and TIMP-1. 3. The therapy of the anti-tuberculosis and mesenchymal stem cells normalized the levels of the MMP-9 and the CC, but not ADA and NE. 4. The complex from MMP-1,-9, TIMP-1, NE, KR and CC, allows you to differentiate groups with different vephrotuberculosis activity.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):51-58
pages 51-58 views

Electroencephalographic correlates of lateral dislocation in acute cerebral insufficiency

Astakhova E.A., Aleksandrova T.V., Aleksandrov M.V.


BACKGROUND: Dislocation syndrome is characterized by a displacement of the median structures in brain and is a consequence of a progressive increase in intracranial volume in vascular accidents, traumatic brain injury, and neoplasms. Lateral dislocation of the median structures leads to their gross dysfunction, as well as to compression of the cortical sections, which leads to violations of the mechanisms of generation of bioelectrical activity. In acute cerebral insufficiency in conditions of scarcity of clinical symptoms, the analysis of changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain becomes an important part of the diagnosis and prognosis of the course of a critical condition.

AIM: The aim of this study is to characterize the electroencephalography (EEG) patterns recorded in patients with lateral dislocation in the acute period of traumatic brain injury and hemorrhagic stroke.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The work was based on the analysis of the EEG amplitude-frequency parameters recorded in 74 patients (52 men, 22 women, mean age 53.3 ± 12.5 years) who were treated at the Dzhanelidze Research Institute for Emergency Medicine. The cause of acute cerebral insufficiency in 42 cases was a traumatic brain injury, in 32 cases — a hemorrhagic stroke. Inclusion criteria: 1) lateral dislocation more than 4 mm according to the results of computed tomography; 2) level of consciousness Coma 1 or Coma 2; 3) the outcome of the disease was determined within 23 days from the moment of injury or stroke. 24 observations had a favorable outcome.

RESULTS: According to the results of computed tomography, lateral displacement of the brain structures (Me 9 [6; 16] mm) was revealed in all patients, but without signs of their compression or infringement. Recorded EEG variants were divided into three groups: 1) focal and diffuse disturbances without signs of persistent epileptiform activity of a high index (30%); 2) dominance of gross epileptiform disorders included in the syndromic structure of non-convulsive status epilepticus (59%); 3) isoelectric “silence” of the brain (11%). The degree of lateral dislocation reached its maximum values when registering the bioelectric “silence” pattern. With a favorable outcome of acute cerebral insufficiency, there was practically no correlation between the severity of EEG disturbances and the degree of dislocation. With unfavorable outcomes, dislocation syndrome was a factor that determined the severity of EEG disturbances (r = 0.36). An analysis of the distribution of favorable and unfavorable outcomes showed that the formation of non-convulsive status epilepticus complicates the course of acute cerebral insufficiency, but is not an unambiguous predictor of an unfavorable outcome (χ2 = 0.589, p = 0.44).

CONCLUSIONS: Thus, the bioelectrical activity of the brain recorded in patients with acute cerebral insufficiency complicated by lateral dislocation, reflects both general cerebral and focal changes. In 60% of patients with lateral dislocation of the midline structures of the brain on the EEG, patterns are formed corresponding electrographic patterns of nonconvulsive status epilepticus.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):67-72
pages 67-72 views

Testing a new method for training medical doctors in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in palliative pediatrics

Gavshchuk M.V., Orel V.I., Bagaturiya G.O., Lisovskii O.V., Prudnikova M.D., Kosulin A.V., Vasilieva A.G.


The main problem in training pediatric surgeons and endoscopists in the technique of performing percutaneous gastrostomy is associated with its relatively rare use in children, which in turn leads to a lack of consistent clinical practice among specialists, while percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is considered the optimal method for correcting dysphagia in palliative pediatrics. A new method of training specialists in performing PEG in children is suggested. In an experimental operating setting, PEG procedures were performed on Chinchilla rabbits weighing 2.5–3.0 kg using a proprietary PEG placement kit with a 15 Fr tube size. Additionally, one PEG procedure was performed using reusable instruments and a 24 Fr Pezzer’s catheter, and four procedures were carried out with an 18 Fr Pezzer’s catheter using a specially developed tip for gastrostomy tube insertion. Flexible endoscopy with a 2.8 mm outer diameter, LED illumination, and an integrated visualization system was used for fibrogastroscopy. All stages of the procedure were practiced and studied through repeated repetitions. There was no significant difference in the technique of the procedure when applying PEG using a disposable proprietary kit versus using a Pezzer’s catheter with a special attachment. During the study, an original external fixation plate for securing the gastrostomy tube was developed and successfully used for 18 Fr Pezzer’s catheters. The size of the rabbits allows for training in all stages of PEG in pediatrics. The relative rarity of cases requiring gastrostomy in sick children hinders the training of PEG specialists. Theoretical training alone does not allow for acquiring the manual skills required to perform the procedure. Repeated performance of the procedure on animals enables the study of all stages of the operation, facilitates improvement of the technique, and the development of new devices and adaptations. The developed external fixation plate offers structural advantages compared to standard proprietary devices and will be in demand in clinical practice.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):59-65
pages 59-65 views

Analysis of the activities of the reproductive health protection system of children and adolescents of Saint Petersburg in 2020–2021

Ippolitova M.F.


The quality of the reproductive potential of children and adolescents in St. Petersburg has not shown positive dynamics in the last decade. The reproductive health of this contingent is provided by the offices of an obstetrician-gynecologist for minors and a pediatric urologist-andrologist. They operate with varying effectiveness, both as independent structures and as subdivisions of adolescent reproductive health centers, more often on the basis of children's polyclinics or women's consultations. Analysis of monitoring data on conditions and volumes of medical services in the field of reproductive health of children and adolescents. The algorithm developed by the specialists of the City Center for Reproductive Health “Juventa” was applied based on the requirements of the procedures for providing medical care in the profile of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatric urology-andrology. The structure and scope of activities of reproductive health services for children and adolescents in different administrative districts of the city varies significantly. This is due to the disregard of uniform requirements stipulated by regulatory documents and the lack of a unified methodology for the formation of these services. In a situation of a steady increase in the number of visits, especially for preventive purposes, institutions demonstrate a different level of efficiency of their activities. Independent offices of an obstetrician-gynecologist for minors do not fully provide all aspects of reproductive health protection and are primarily focused on working with prepubescent children. Reproductive health centers are highly sought after and preferred for providing comprehensive medical, psychological and social assistance to adolescents. The structure of reproductive health services for children and adolescents in each administrative district of the city should be represented both by the offices of an obstetrician-gynecologist for minors, and necessarily by centers for the protection of adolescent reproductive health. An urgent task should be considered the formation of a system of professional training of gynecologists to work with children and adolescents.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):73-83
pages 73-83 views

Newborn baby needs operation: is it possible to reduce the risk of postoperative mortality?

Bezhenar V.F., Ivanova L.A., Ivanov D.O., Krasnogorskaya O.L.


BACKGROUND: It is traditionally believed that the mortality of children operated on in the first days of life depends on the severity of congenital malformation and gestational age.

AIM: The aim of the study was to analyze the causes of death of children in the neonatal period, after surgical interventions performed in the perinatal period, in order to develop a set of measures to reduce mortality.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted between two groups: the main group included 77 newborns who underwent surgery in the Perinatal Center of St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University in the perinatal period (the first 168 hours of extrauterine life) and died in the first 28 days of life, the control group included 287 children operated on in the perinatal period and survived 28 days.

RESULTS: It has been established that the cause of death in more than half of the newborns operated on in the perinatal period are infectious agents (viruses, bacteria and their combinations). The infectious process aggravates the course of the postoperative period and increases the number of complications of the underlying disease, which, as a result, leads to the death of the child in the neonatal period. Significant contributors include: chlamydial infection, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection, and infection caused by Herpes simplex 1, 2. The most common causes of death in newborns in the postoperative period were microorganisms of the Staphylococcaceae family, the genus Mycoplasma, as well as Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterococcus faecalis.

CONCLUSIONS: The cause of death in more than half of newborns operated on during the perinatal period is infectious agents (viruses, bacteria and their combinations). The infectious process makes the postoperative period more difficult and increases the number of complications of the underlying disease, which ultimately leads to the death of the child in the neonatal period. The high prevalence rate in the population, infection of the placenta, tissues and organs of the fetus, as well as the high role in the genesis of death in newborns, indicate the need for examination for Human herpesvirus 1 and 2, Chlamydia trachomatis, Toxoplasma gondii and Cytomegalovirus in pregnant women with prenatally diagnosed congenital malformations and in newborns requiring surgical treatment in the perinatal period.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):85-92
pages 85-92 views

Наследственные болезни обмена

Lysosomal storage diseases. Sphingolipidoses — gangliosidoses

Gorbunova V.N., Buchinskaia N.V., Liazina L.V., Vechkasova A.O.


Epidemiology, clinical, biochemical and molecular genetic characteristics of gangliosidoses, genetically heterogeneous group of autosomal recessive diseases caused by hereditary deficiency of lysosomal glycohydrolases involved in the catabolism of GM1-, GM2- and GA2-gangliosides, are presented. Three clinical forms of GM1 gangliosidosis are caused by hereditary deficiency of lysosomal β-galactosidase, one of the activities of which is the release of galactose from carbohydrate complexes. As a result, GM1-ganglioside and, to a lesser extent, keratan sulfate accumulate in the lysosomes of neurons and other cells. Three genetically heterogeneous forms of GM2-gangliosidosis are associated with dysfunction of hexosaminidase activity. Tay–Sachs disease, or GM2 ganglioside variant B, is caused by mutations in the hexosaminidase alpha chain HEXA gene. Sandhoff’s disease is associated with mutations in the HEXB gene for the hexosaminidase beta chain. In this case, there is a deficiency of the A and B components of the enzyme — the null variant of GM2 gangliosidosis. In variant AB, or juvenile GM2 gangliosidosis, all hexosaminidase components are present, but the activating factor is defective due to mutations in the GM2A gene. All types of gangliosidosis are characterized by progressive retardation of psychomotor development and early death of patients, most often under the age of 3 years. The frequency of various types of gangliosidoses in different populations does not exceed 1 : 300,000. An exception is the ethic group of Ashkenazi Jews, in which the incidence of Tay–Sachs disease, reaches 1 : 3000, which makes total screening of heterozygotes and prenatal diagnosis of the disease in high-risk families economically justified. The article highlights the importance of experimental models for studying the molecular basis of pathogenesis and developing various therapeutic approaches, such as bone marrow transplantation, enzyme replacement therapy and substrate reducing therapy, gene therapy, and genome editing. Clinical examples of patients with gangliosidosis are given to improve the efficiency of diagnostics of these rare diseases by clinicians.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):93-111
pages 93-111 views

Clinical observation

Two clinical cases of IgG4-associated pancreatitis in children

Minina S.N., Kornienko E.A., Suspitsyn E.N., Imyanitov E.N.


Autoimmune pancreatitis is a specific peculiar and rather new form of chronic pancreatitis (ChP) that has been intensively studied by pancreatology specialists of the whole world for the last years. Autoimmune pancreatitis does not have any individual specific clinical features. This condition was described for the first time in adults and it often mimics pancreas cancer. Autoimmune pancreatitis can involve some organs, synchronously or metachronously, and is rarely identified in children. Autoimmune pancreatitis is a systemic fiber-inflammatory condition with poorly understood pathophysiological mechanism, affecting different parts of the body. In case of the treatment absence the disease can lead to fibrosis and irreversible impairment of the organs. However, the combination of the findings of serologic, histologic, and instrumental methods of investigation characteristic for аutoimmune pancreatitis allows to identify its presence. IgG4-associated disorder has been mainly described in adults, therefore pediatricians usually do not know much about it. We underline the complexity of the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis / IgG4-associated disorder, in children. The article presents two clinical cases of children diagnosed with autoimmune pancreatitis. Both children had the symptoms of abdominal pain and/or mechanical jaundice combined with focal pancreas enlargement, roughness of the basic pancreas duct and distal narrowing. According to our data, the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis in children can be made on the basis of the combination of specific clinical symptoms at admission and various results of imaging. Both timely made diagnosis and administered treatment provide a favorable prognosis for further course of the disease and complication development.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):113-123
pages 113-123 views


The path from a student of a rural school to a known in the country professor of a pediatricist-infectionist

Ivanov D.O., Lyakhov I.D., Chernova T.M., Bannova S.L., Pavlova E.B., Bulina O.V., Sukhovetskaya V.F., Barakina E.V., Nazarova A.N., Kaplina T.A., Subbotina M.D., Pavlova N.V., Fedorova A.V.


In August 2023, Vladimir Nikolaevich Timchenko, dean of the pediatric faculty of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University of the Russian Ministry of Health, and head of the Department of Infectious Diseases in Children named after Vladimir Nikolaevich, turned 70 years old. Professor M.G. Danilevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of Russia, Chief freelance specialist in infectious diseases in children of the Northwestern Federal District of the country. V.N. Timchenko after graduating from LPMI with honors in 1978, he entered clinical residency at the Department of Infectious Diseases in Children. Between 1980 and 1983 studied full-time graduate school at the same department. In 1983 he successfully defended his candidate’s dissertation, and in 1989 — his doctoral dissertation. He has headed the department since 1997. Under the leadership of the head of the department, comprehensive studies of infectious diseases in children have been conducted for many years. Vladimir Nikolaevich is the scientific supervisor of ten candidate dissertations, the scientific consultant of one doctoral dissertation. He regularly gives lectures and reports in children’s clinics, at congresses, conferences, and symposiums. Consults seriously ill patients from the Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov, Kaliningrad Regions, the Republic of Karelia and other regions of the country. Author of more than 530 scientific papers. The administration, public organizations, staff and students of the University wish the professor further great creative success in the training and education of young doctors, good health and personal well-being, inexhaustible energy and prosperity.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):125-134
pages 125-134 views

Fettyakh Halimovich Kutushev — outstanding scientist, surgeon, founder of surgical treatment of the patent ductus arteriosus (towards 100th Anniversary)

Shcheglova L.V., Artyukh L.Y., Karelina N.R., Oppedizano M.L., Gafiatullin M.R., Gafiatulina K.A., Busorgina M.O.


The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Fettyakh Halimovich Kutushev, an outstanding surgeon, innovator and organizer, chief surgeon of Leningrad (1964–1987), head of the Department of General Surgery of the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute. Fettyakh Halimovich is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a participant in the battles near Rzhev. During his service, F.H. Kutushev proved himself a courageous fighter, was awarded the Orders of the Patriotic War I and II degrees, as well as the Order of the Red Star. In 1944, after returning to Leningrad, he entered the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute, where he would finish his clinical residency in pediatric surgery. This is followed by postgraduate studies and work at the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the VMA, the defense of a PhD thesis. F.H. Kutushev became a famous surgeon in 1959 thanks to operations on the open arterial duct, the experience he gained formed the basis of his doctoral dissertation. Fettyakh Halimovich was a surgeon from God, he was subject to all types of surgical interventions, both in the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Having enormous experience, knowledge and organizational skills, Fettyakh Halimovich formed the largest surgical school, was repeatedly elected to the post of Chairman of the Board of the N.I. Pirogov Surgical Society. Under the leadership of Fettyakh Halimovich Kutushev, 27 candidate’s and 8 doctoral dissertations were completed. In addition, he acted as an official opponent on more than 450 defenses. Professor F.H. Kutushev published 12 monographs and about 200 works. For his scientific activity, he was awarded the prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the title of “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation” and an Honorary member of the Academic Council of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy.

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg). 2023;14(4):135-142
pages 135-142 views

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