Colobomatous cysts of optic nerve

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Objectives of publication:presentation of a rare clinical observation from our own practice.

Key points:colobomatous orbital cyst with microphthalmos — rare anomaly of an embryonal development of an eyeball, it is formed owing to “filling” of an optic nerve with the intraocular liquid coming to him from a vitreous chamber through сoloboma of disk because of violation of hydrodynamics in a forward segment of an eye. Usually this anomaly is combined with microphthalmic eye, though cases of a colobomatous cyst with a normal size of an eyeball, and also with other anomalies of development of an eye (inferior uveoretinal coloboma, prepupillary membrane, corneal opacity) are described.

Сlinical observation:during 2015 in our department there were two children to whom after the carried-out inspection the diagnosis of a colobomatous cysts of optic nerve has been exposed. Concerning the first child waiting tactics has been recognized expedient, at repeated surveys in 1 and 4 months of any dynamics in the ophthalmologic status it hasn’t been revealed. To the second child because of the expressed exophthalmos with lagophthalmia, with perforation threat, surgical intervention – a puncture and drainage of a cyst of an optic nerve is performed. After operation the correct situation and mobility of an eyeball were restored, xerotic changes of a cornea and conjunctiva have decreased.

Conclusions:from the pathogenetic mechanism of cystous formation of an orbit, it is more logical to specify the clinical diagnosis a mention in him an optic nerve – “сolobomatous cysts of optic nerve”. Surgical treatment depends on the sizes of cyst, degree of exophthalmos and existence of complications.

About the authors

Nataliia N Sadovnikova

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
MD, PhD, Department of Ophthalmology Russian Federation

Vlidimir A Shereshevsky

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Department of Ophthalmology Russian Federation

Natalia V Prisich

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Resident doctor, Department of Ophthalmology with a Course of Clinical Pharmacology Russian Federation

Vladimir V Brzesky

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

MD, PhD, Dr Med Sci, Professor, Head, Department of Ophthalmology with a Course of Clinical Pharmacology Russian Federation

Dmitriy Yu Li

St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Intern, Department of Ophthalmology with a Course of Clinical Pharmacology Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2016 Sadovnikova N.N., Shereshevsky V.A., Prisich N.V., Brzesky V.V., Li D.Y.

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