Certain aspects of psychomotor activity in different styles of cognitive activity of an individual

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Aim. This investigation studies the parameters of the psychomotor components of the types of the nervous system (NS) of personality in different styles of cognitive functioning.

Materials and Methods. One hundred medical university students (mean age 22.01±1.84 years, 15 males and 85 females) were examined. Experimental research methods: 1. Express method for determining the properties of the NS – computer modification of the tapping test of E.P. Ilyin – Psychomotor test of the NS (Neurosoft, Ivanovo). Criteria of strength, endurance, and lability of nervous processes in connection with the intensity of work. 2. Assessment of cognitive functioning – a method of discrimination of the properties of concepts (cognitive style concrete/abstract conceptualization).

Results. All participants were ranked to 4 poles of cognitive style: 1 – abstract subjectivity of conceptualization (4.9%); 2 – abstract realism of conceptualization (10.1%); 3 – concrete subjectivity of conceptualization (9.5%); 4 – concrete realism of conceptualization (5.3%). In the group of studied individuals, a descending graph of movement speed dominated (61%), which corresponds to a weak type of NS; 10% of participants had a strong type of NS characterized by a convex graph type; a flat type was identified in 14% of patients. This type indicates a medium strength of the NS. Intermediate and concave types were diagnosed in 15% of participants, which corresponds to a moderately weak type of NS. In the statistical analysis of psychomotor NS parameters participant groups with different poles of conceptualization expression according to the criteria of E.P. Ilyin, the data obtained showed an interrelationship between a strong type of NS and a subjective concrete conceptualization. It was an expressed style of realistic abstractness and a weak type of NS.

Conclusion. The maximum frequency of the tapping test, being a parameter of the speed aspect of psychomotor activity, allows using this criterion to assess the overall activity and the style peculiarities of the cognitive activity, expressed in different types of conceptualization. Peculiarities of cognitive activity, expressed in the increased subjectiveness of conceptualization, correlate with functional mobility enhancement of the cortical processes, increase in information processing speed, and the effectiveness of integrative brain activity.

About the authors

Irina A. Belskikh

Kursk State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: Irinabel84@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8072-3580
SPIN-code: 5071-8732
ResearcherId: S-8527-2018

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Kursk State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kursk

Alina I. Belogurova

Kursk State Medical University

Email: belskikhia@kursksmu.net
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6555-4499
SPIN-code: 1320-1479
ResearcherId: AAS-6849-2020

Student of the Medical Faculty, Kursk State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kursk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Types of speed graphs

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3. Fig. 1. Types of graphs of the pace of movements

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Copyright (c) 2021 Belskikh I., Belogurova A.


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