Metabolic syndrome in patients with anal fistulae

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Aim of work: to study the incidence of components of metabolic syndrome in patients with anal fistulae, to analyze combinations of different components of metabolic syndrome and types of pararectal fistulae.

Materials and Methods. A clinical examination of 508 patients (85.2% – men; 21.5% at the age of 20-39 years, 43.9% – 40-59 years, 34.6% – ≥60 years) with anal fistulae (of them 48.0% were transsphincteric and 29.3% – extrasphincteric fistulae) who underwent treatment in the department of coloproctology of municipal clinical hospital №5 of Dushanbe in the period from 2010 to 2015, was conducted with the aim of identification of components of metabolic syndrome.

Results. In 282 patients (55.5% of the total number of patients with anal fistulae, 90.8% of them being men) components of metabolic syndrome were identified: obesity – in 229 patients (45.1% of the total patients with anal fistulae), arterial hypertension – in 115 patients (22,6%), type 2 diabetes mellitus – in 58 patients (11.4%), IHD – in 8 patients (1.6%). In the presence of components of metabolic syndrome the recurrent forms of fistulae were recorded in 16.3% of cases (in the absence – in 12.8% of cases), and complicated forms – extrasphincteric (29.3%) predominated over intrasphincteric forms (22.7%); in control group the proportion of the mentioned forms was 24.8% and 29.2%, respectively. Transsphincteric forms were most common in both groups (48.0% and 46.0%).

Conclusions. Components of metabolic syndrome in different combinations were identified in more than half (55.5%) the patients with anal fistulae (obesity – 45.1%, arterial hypertension – 22.6%, 2 type diabetes mellitus – 11.4%, IHD – 1.6%). A tendency was recorded to a more common recurrence of anal fistulae and to a more complicated forms of anal fistulae in patients with components of metabolic syndrome.

About the authors

D. K. Muhabbatov

Abu Ali ibn Sino Tajik State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2100-310X
SPIN-code: 8407-5820

Dr. Med. Sc., professor, Head of the Department of General Surgery №1

Tajikistan, Rudaki av., 139, Dushanbe, 734003

M. K. Gulov

Abu Ali ibn Sino Tajik State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5151-937X
SPIN-code: 5463-6781

Dr. Med. Sc., professor of the Department of General Surgery №1

Tajikistan, Rudaki av., 139, Dushanbe, 734003

B. M. Hamroev

Abu Ali ibn Sino Tajik State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4879-2337
SPIN-code: 9107-4315

postgraduate student of the Department of General Surgery №1

Tajikistan, Rudaki av., 139, Dushanbe, 734003


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Copyright (c) 2018 Muhabbatov D.K., Gulov M.K., Hamroev B.M.

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