Extracellular matrix, angiogenesisand cellular microenvironment atdishormonal hyperplasia, fibroadenomaand breast cancer(Light and electron microscopic study)


The article shows a light and electron microscopic examination of the extracellular matrix,
angiogenesis and cellular microenvironment at dishormonal hyperplasia, fibroadenoma and breast
cancer. Shown that the extracellular matrix in fibroadenoma and hyperplasia dishormonal different
identity changes and is different in breast cancer. Microcirculatory component of breast cancer
characterized gistofiziologicheskaya heterogeneity, which manifests the activation of angiogenesis, the
relative differentiation of vessels and reg ¬ Ressie individual links microcirculation. Processes
stromoobrazovaniya hyperplasia and tumors of the breast associated with the presence of a certain
number of macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Mnikhovich M.V., Ternov M.M., Mniкhovich M.V., Ternov M.M.

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