
This article presents an analysis of some indicators of the quality of life (QOL) in 100 HIV-infected patients living in the Republic of Tajikistan. The evaluation was conducted using the SF-36 questionnaire. The age of respondents ranged from 17 to 56 years, of which 61,7% were men and 38,3% - women. Comparative analysis QOL revealed in HIV-infected women's higher rates of psychosocial component scale SF-36 than men living with HIV. Despite this availability of the problem is a significant factor that reduces the level of QOL of people living with HIV (PLHIV). In patients from the study group the decrease QOL was due to statistically low levels (p<0,05) on the scale of the psychosocial aspects - social (51,4 points - in the study group, 76,1 points - in the control), and role functioning due to emotional condition (56,9 and 77,2 points, respectively), general health (49,3 and 63,4 points), mental health (51,2 and 70,1 points), as well as the vital activity (49,6 and 63,4 points). QOL of PLHIV indicators are set, such as general health, family, emotional sphere, social contacts, vital activity, level of education, level of stigma and discrimination, as well as access to health services.


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