Visual acuity and quality of life in heavy visual workload patients with bilateral cataract before and after phacoemulsification




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BACKGROUND: To date, there is a number of debatable aspects of cataract phacoemulsification in the literature, one of which is the investigation of features of the surgery in patients with visually stressful work.

AIM: The aim is to investigate the dynamics of the best corrected distance visual acuity and quality of life in heavy visual workload patients with bilateral cataract before and after phacoemulsification.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We observed 32 heavy visual workload patients with binocular cataracts. All patients underwent standard phacoemulsification using Infiniti (Alcon, USA) or Constellation (Alcon, USA) devices according to the standard technique. The quality of life was assessed using the tested in refractive surgery QOL-25 questionnaire.

RESULTS: The high efficiency of phacoemulsification surgery was established, which is confirmed (14 days after the second procedure) by an increase in best corrected distance visual acuity to an average value of 0.92–0.95 relative units. Along with this, a certain quality of life dynamics of was revealed, which is manifested by a statistically significant deterioration (by 2.3–4.7%, p = 0.02–0.008) in the index in 14 and 21 days after the first surgical procedure compared to the data obtained at 7 days after first operation.

CONCLUSION: Surgical treatment of binocular cataracts in heavy visual workload patients is based on earlier (in 7–10 days) surgery on the second eye or performing an immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery.


Dmitry Pokrovsky

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5475-0398
SPIN 代码: 6487-5793

Cand. Sci. (Med.), MD, Ophthalmologist, Assistant Professor

俄罗斯联邦, 1, Ostrovityanova st., Moscow, 1117997

Nikolay Ovechkin

Helmholtz National Medical Research Center of Eye Diseases

SPIN 代码: 3248-2607

Cand. Sci. (Med.), MD, Head of operation unit

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Figure. The results of the investigation of the quality of life dynamics in a patient before and after phacoemulsification

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