Diagnostic perspectives and treatment efficacy in the Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease





Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) disease should be part of the differential diagnosis of a bilateral granulomatous uveitis. VKH is more common in the Mongoloid race (most frequently in Japanese, American Indians), and people of Hispanic descent. In Europeans, it is rare; mostly in women aged 30-50 with dark skin and hair pigmentation. The prodromal stage of VKH disease is non-specific but may include headache, vomiting and general malaise. Indocyanine green angiography may be helpful in making the diagnosis. Presenting a clinical case, the authors discuss the methods for diagnosis and follow-up for patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. Effective and timely treatment with high dose corticosteroids, if necessary in combination with immunosuppression, could save good visual functions.


Yuriy Astakhov

Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg

Email: astakhov73@mail.ru
MD, doctor of medical science, professor. Department of Ophthalmology

Tatyana Kuznetcova

Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg

Email: brionika@gmail.com
MD, Postgraduate student. Department of Ophthalmology

Kirill Khripun

Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg

Email: kirdoc@mail.ru
MD, Department of Ophthalmology

Yanina Konenkova

City versatile hospital N 2

Email: Krokon@mail.ru
MD, head of the eye microsurgery department N 4

Yekaterina Belozerova

Diagnostic center N 7 (ophthalmological) for adults and children

Email: belozerova.ekaterina.88@mail.ru
MD, ophthalmologist


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版权所有 © Astakhov Y.S., Kuznetcova T.I., Khripun K.V., Konenkova Y.S., Belozerova Y.V., 2014

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