Anatomic features of anterior chamber angle in children with glaucoma depending on the degree of the cicatricial retinopathy of prematurity





Introduction. The retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a leading condition in the nosological structure of ophthalmic pathology in preterm children. A number of researchers note the increase in frequency of glaucoma development in such patients, considerably worsening the prognosis of the disease. At the same time, features of ocular hydrostatics and hydrodynamics taking into account the immaturity of the eye are studied insufficiently.

The purpose of the study was to estimate the anterior chamber angle anatomy in preterm children with glaucoma depending on the cicatricial ROP severity.

Materials and methods. The study group included 45 preterm children (87 eyes) aged from 6 months to 18 years with glaucoma on the background of cicatricial ROP. The control group consisted of 27 full-term children (54 eyes) with congenital glaucoma. As an addition to traditional ophthalmologic examination, iridocorneal goniography using a pediatric retinal camera was performed.

Results. In children of the study group, anomalies of anterior chamber angle anatomic structure were diagnosed in the absolute majority of cases – 97.7% of cases (85 eyes) and depended on the cicatricial ROP severity: at degrees 1-3 – they were similar to those in congenital glaucoma in full-term children; at degrees 4-5 – glaucoma was of secondary nature and developed as a result of a combination of dysgenesis signs in the anterior chamber angle.

Conclusion. Cicatricial ROP of any degree is a high risk factor for the development of secondary glaucoma.


Maria Makarova

Diagnostic (Ophthalmological) Centre No 7 for Adults and Children Populations


Ophthalmologist, Pediatric Ward
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Viktoria Panchishena

Diagnostic (Ophthalmological) Centre No 7 for Adults and Children Populations; North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov


Head, Children’s Department; Assistant, Dep. of Ophthalmology

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Elena Brusakova

Diagnostic (Ophthalmological) Centre No 7 for Adults and Children Populations


Ophthalmologist, Pediatric Ward

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Regina Ershova

Diagnostic (Ophthalmological) Centre No 7 for Adults and Children Populations


Deputy Chief Doctor

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Elvira Saidasheva

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4012-7324
SPIN 代码: 7800-3264

Dr. Sci. Med., Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Vitaly Sokolov

Diagnostic (Ophthalmological) Centre No 7 for Adults and Children Populations


MD, PhD, Head of the Centre

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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版权所有 © Makarova M.A., Panchishena V.M., Brusakova E.V., Ershova R.V., Saidasheva E.I., Sokolov V.O., 2019

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