Current approaches to the problem of carrier selection for limbal stem cells cultivation in the treatment of limbal stem cell deficiency

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Diseases and damages of the ocular surface are one of the common causes of decreased vision and blindness. Dysfunction or death of limbal epithelial stem cells (LESC) plays an important role in the development of pathological processes in these conditions, which leads to the development of the limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). Currently, one of the methods to treat LSCD is a transplantation of cultured ex vivo LESC. The most common carriers for the cultivation of LESC in the world is the amniotic membrane (AM). However, the presence of certain disadvantages in using AM for the cultivation of LESC compels to search new types of carriers made from biological or synthetic materials. In this review, we have analyzed various types of carriers: collagen, fibrin, chitosan with gelatin, silk fibroin, keratin, contact lenses, polylactide-co-glycolide, polycaprolactone, and the possibility of their application as carriers for the LESC cultivation followed by transplantation on the ocular surface is considered.

About the authors

Alexey N. Kulikov

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, DMedSc, Professor, Head of the Department. Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Sergey V. Churashov

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


MD, PhD, DMedSc, Assistant Professor. Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Valeriy F. Chernysh

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


MD, PhD, DMedSc, Assistant professor, Honoured Doctor. Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Miralda I. Blinova

Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Science


PhD, Candidate of Biological Science, Group leader, Group of Cells Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Olga I. Alexandrova

Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Science


Assistant of Group of Cells Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vadim V. Karpovich

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy


Resident. Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Yulia I. Khorolskaya

Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Science


PhD Student of Group of Cells Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2018 Kulikov A.N., Churashov S.V., Chernysh V.F., Blinova M.I., Alexandrova O.I., Karpovich V.V., Khorolskaya Y.I.

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