Informative value of biometric indices of iris, sclera and cornea in primary open-angle glaucoma diagnosis

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Aim: to study the thickness of cornea, iris and scleral tissue, to determine its asymmetry between fellow eyes in healthy subjects and in patients with primary glaucoma. To determine the relationship between changes in biomechanical properties of the cornea and sclera and iris thickness in healthy subjects and in patients with primary glaucoma.

Materials and methods. 10 patients (20 eyes) with primary glaucoma were examined. The control group consisted of 10 people (20 eyes). In all patients ultrasound biomicroscopy (Humphrey Instruments (USA), Model 840) was performed.

Results and discussion. The article presents a study of the corneoscleral and iris tissue thickness in primary glaucoma, as well as the increase pattern of the revealed asymmetry in corneoscleral and iris tissue thickness from normal state to glaucoma. A positive direct correlation between the indices of cornea, sclera, and iris thickness in the primary glaucoma group and between biometric parameters of sclera and iris and the of corneal hysteresis value in primary open-angle glaucoma.

About the authors

Vladimir V. Strakhov

Yaroslavl State Medical University 

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, DMedSc, Professor, Head of Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

Victor V. Alekseev

Yaroslavl State Medical University 


MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

Abdulgavi M. Al-Mrrani

Regional Clinical Hospital



Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

Anastasiya A. Popova

Yaroslavl State Medical University


MD, Aspirant, Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

Olga N. Klimova

Yaroslavl State Medical University 


MD, PhD, Assistant Professor. Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Yaroslavl


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Copyright (c) 2018 Strakhov V.V., Alekseev V.V., Al-Mrrani A.M., Popova A.A., Klimova O.N.

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