Antibodies to myelin basic protein as a diagnostic marker of primary open-angle glaucoma

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Recently, many authors resort to immunomolecular diagnostics of glaucoma. We found conflicting information about the concentration of antibodies to the myelin basic protein (AB to MBP) in primary open-angle glaucoma in the literature.

Aim: to determine the concentration of antibodies to the myelin basic protein in the serum of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma to assess the diagnostic significance of the test.

Materials and methods. We included 48 people aged from 42 to 79 years: fourteen people had the diagnosis of the first stage of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), 10 people had the second (advanced) stage of POAG, 8 people had the III (far-gone) stage of POAG, and 16 subjects made the control group. Exclusion criteria: mature or almost mature cataract, age-related macular degeneration, severe concomitant ophthalmologic, neurological pathology, oncological and autoimmune diseases, glucocorticoid or immunosuppressive therapy, exacerbation of any acute and subacute respiratory infection, chronic inflammatory processes and craniocerebral trauma. The serum level of AB to MBP was determined by enzyme immunoassay method (ELISA).

Results. The concentration of AB to MBP was significantly higher in patients with first and second stages of POAG (177.5 ± 63.93 μg/ml and 262.63 ± 34.78 μg/ml, respectively) than in the control group (38.69 ± 11.77 micron/ml, p < 0.05). To establish the diagnosis of POAG in at risk patients it is appropriate to use the level of IgG to MBP > 60 μg/ml; the sensitivity of the method is 78% and its specificity is 87%.

About the authors

Nina L. Cherednichenko

Stavropol State Medical University

Author for correspondence.

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Head of Department. Ophthalmology Department with Additional Professional Education Course

Russian Federation, Stavropol

Sergey M. Karpov

Stavropol State Medical University 


MD, PhD, DMedSc, Professor, Head of Department. Neurology, Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics Department

Russian Federation, Stavropol

Vladimir A. Baturin

Stavropol State Medical University 


MD, PhD, DMedSc, Professor, Head of Department. Clinical Pharmacology Department with Additional Professional Education Course

Russian Federation, Stavropol

Yuliana A. Barbos

Stavropol State Medical University

SPIN-code: 4430-2577

MD, aspirant. Ophthalmology Department with Additional Professional Education Course

Russian Federation, Stavropol


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The frequency of occurrence of value intervals of the titer of antibodies to MBP in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and in the control group

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3. Fig. 2. ROC-curve for antibodies to MBP (AUC – Area Under Curve – area under ROC-curve)

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Copyright (c) 2018 Cherednichenko N.L., Karpov S.M., Baturin V.A., Barbos Y.A.

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