Lacrimal stents in the lacrimal pathways’ surgery

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This review addresses various types of lacrimal implants, which are used in the surgery of lacrimal pathways. The authors describe modern and used in the past methods of lacrimal passage restoration recanalization techniques, and dacryocystorhinostomy procedures by external and endonasal approaches using stents of various shape, size and design, which often determine the outcome of surgery and the degree of its efficacy. Lacrimal implants are constantly modified and improved. Indications for intubation and the extubation terms are not yet clearly defined. Techniques for lacrimal drainage restoration, lacrimal stents’ use, most effective stent models, indications and contraindications, conduct of experimental studies – all that questions are still awaiting further investigation.

About the authors

Elena I. Orlova

Peoples Friendship University of Russia

Author for correspondence.

Applicant of the department of reconstructive plastic surgery with the course of ophthalmology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Dmitriy V. Davydov

Peoples Friendship University of Russia


MD, PhD, DMedSc, professor. Department of reconstructive and plastic surgery with the course of ophthalmology

Russian Federation, Moscow


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