The influence of local IOP-lowering therapy on the anterior segment tissues and outcome of glaucoma filtering surgery

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Nowadays, a wide choice of local IOP-lowering medications allows ensuring a successful intraocular pressure compensation and primary open angle glaucoma stabilization. However, taking into consideration a long term action of drugs on the ocular surface, even without clinical manifestations there is a direct inflammatory cells’ activation with mixed toxic and allergic changes, which is confirmed by histology, immune-histology, and impression cytology methods. Such chronic sub-clinical inflammation represent a potential risk of excessive fibroblast proliferation with subsequent rapid postoperative scarring of new outflow pathways and atypical filtration bleb formation. It is shown that there is a clear relationship between number of glaucoma drugs used, treatment duration, intensity of conjunctival infiltration with inflammatory cells and fibroblasts, and risk of episcleral fibrosis and subconjunctival scarring during post-op period.

About the authors

Sergej Yu. Petrov

Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Author for correspondence.

PhD, leading research associate, Glaucoma Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Dzhamilya N. Lovpache

Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases


PhD, senior research associate, Glaucoma Department

Russian Federation, Moscow

Igor' A. Loskutov

Scientific Clinical Center of Russian Railways


Professor, DMedSc, Head of the Clinical Center

Russian Federation, Moscow

Daria M. Safonova

Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases


PhD, Junior Research Associate, Phacoemulsification and Intraocular Correction Department

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2017 Petrov S.Y., Lovpache D.N., Loskutov I.A., Safonova D.M.

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