Squamous papilloma of the lacrimal sac and the nasolacrimal canal (clinical case report)

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The article gives a detailed description of the clinical case of a rather rare eye disease - tumors of the lacrimal SAC and nasolacrimal duct, that usualy is difficult in diagnosis and treatment. We used computer tomography, dacryocystography, endoscopy for examination. The operation of removing tumor of the lacrimal SAC is well described and illustrated. Distinctive appearance of squamous papilloma, which is different from the prevailing views of papilloma attracts attention. Also we noted the number of postopertive features. The paper includes review of the literature concerning tumors of the lacrimal SAC and nasolacrimal duct, analisys of criteria for differential diagnostics of tumors of the lacrimal SAC, classification of malignant tumors of the lacrimal SAC in stages. The information obtained can contribute to the proper diagnosis and treatment of patients with pathology of the lacrimal drainage than will be useful for clinical ophthalmologists.

About the authors

Yurii V Poritskii

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: chinchil60@mail.ru
candidate of medical sciences, assistant professor of ophthalmology. Department of ophthalmology

Dmitriy S Gorbachev

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: dmitrij-gor@yandex.ru
candidate of medical sciences, assistant Professor of ophthalmology. Department of ophthalmology


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Copyright (c) 2016 Poritskii Y.V., Gorbachev D.S.

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