Preventive surgical combination treatment of postoperative malignant glaucoma

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A retrospective analysis of 90 patients with narrow-angle glaucoma, treated in the Laser medicine clinic “Sphera” and “Tarasov’s Ophthalmology center” was performed, a mathematical model for prediction of postoperative malignant glaucoma development has been worked out. Clinical efficacy of developed by the authors comprehensive preventive microinvasive surgical procedure proved its efficacy in 12 patients with high risk of postoperative malignant glaucoma development.

About the authors

Konstantin Leonidovich Tarasov

Tarasov’s phthalmology center

Medical director

Stepan Grigor’evich Grigor’ev

Military medical academy

MD, DMSc, professor, Senior scientific fellow, Medical information technologies research department

Vladimir Alexeevich Reituzov

Military medical academy

MD, candidate of medical science, ophthalmologist, teacher. Department of Ophthalmology

Erika Naumovna Eskina

Laser surgery clinic “Sphere”

MD, DMSc, professor, Medical director


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Copyright (c) 2014 Tarasov K.L., Grigor’ev S.G., Reituzov V.A., Eskina E.N.

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