Features of ophthalmic inflammatory diseases results of a federal study

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A retrospective study of 3346 clinical records of patients with the diagnosis “Uveitis” (ICD-10 codes - H 20, H 22, H 30) hospitalized in the “Clinical ophthalmologic hospital named after V. P. Vykhodtsev” in Omsk from 2005 to 2012 was performed. The prevalence of uveitis decreased by a factor of 3.2 in comparison with the prevalence measured from 1995-2004 data. We also found a statistically significant decrease in the incidence of the recurrent forms of uveitis Compared to the time frame of 1995-2004, the immunoblot (West-ernblot) test was use more frequently. A comparative analysis of laboratory diagnostic methods was carried out. An increase in application frequency of a method for etiology verification - immunoblot (Westernblot) - is noted. A comparison between the prevalence of iridocyclitis and that of chorioretinitis in various age groups was studied. The results showedthat iridocyclitis is more common in young working age population.

About the authors

Oleg Ivanovich Lebedev

GBOU VPO “Omsk State Medical Academy” of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: leo.55@mail.ru
doctor of medical science, professor, head of the Ophthalmology Department

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Surov

GBOU VPO “Omsk State Medical Academy” of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Email: abc55.79@mail.ru
candidate of medical science, associate professor of ophthalmology

Yevgeniya Vitalyevna Akentyeva

BUZOO “Clinical ophthalmologic hospital of a name of V.P. Vykhodtsev”

Email: evgenia.akenteva@mail.ru


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Copyright (c) 2014 Lebedev O.I., Surov A.V., Akentyeva Y.V.

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