Some results of a glaucoma epidemiological study in 2011

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The article provides data on general and primary glaucoma morbidity, the availability of modern diagnostic equipment in Federal districts of the Russian Federation. There is information from 82 regions of the country presented. The tables present the distribution of patients according to glaucoma stages. Indices are arranged into groups according to Federal districts

About the authors

Vladimir Vladimirovich Neroyev

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of healthcare of Russian Federation

MD, professor, doctor of medical science

Roman Vasilyevich Avdeyev

State budget educational institution of higher professional education “Voronezh state medical Academy named by N. N. Burdenko” of the Ministry of healthcare of Russian Federation

Ph.D., Head of Department of ophthalmology

Olga Aleksandrovna Kiseleva

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of healthcare of Russian Federation

MD, doctor of medical science, head of Glaucoma Department

Aleksandr Markovich Bessmertnyy

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of healthcare of Russian Federation

MD, doctor of medical science, senior researcher worker of Glaucoma Department


  1. Егоров Е. А., Астахов Ю. С., Щуко А. Г. ред. Национальное руководство по глаукоме. М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа; 2011: 280 с.
  2. Нероев В. В., Авдеев Р. В., Киселёва О. А., Бессмертный А. М. Состояние глаукомной службы в Приволжском федеральном округе. Глаукома на рубеже веков. Материалы Всероссийского конгресса. Казань; 2013: 135-140.
  4. (официальный сайт Федеральной службы государственной статистики).
  5. (официальный сайт Министерства финансов РФ).

Copyright (c) 2014 Neroyev V.V., Avdeyev R.V., Kiseleva O.A., Bessmertnyy A.M.

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