Comprehensive investigation of subjective and objective accommodation parameters in children and teenagers with myopia

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The accommodation tonus, subjective and objective parameters of accommodation were examined in 130 patients aged 6–18 years (average age 11.26 ± 0.2) with various degrees of myopia. The accommodation state was determined using subjective methods (relative accommodation reserves, amplitude of accommodation) and objective methods (binocular and monocular accommodative responses, the objective relative accommodation reserves, the habitual tonus of accommodation in the open field, tonus of accommodation rest). It was revealed, that accommodation tonus measured in the virtual, open and non-oriented spaces had different values. Myopic patients showed the highest values of the tonus accommodation rest (–0.77 ± 0.03) and the lowest values (–0.17 ± 0.02) of the habitual tonus of accommodation in the open field. A synchronic decrease of subjective and objective parameters of accommodation was revealed in children and teenagers with myopia. The subjective-measured accommodation reserves showed higher values compared to objective-measured ones. A significant difference of examined parameters between fellow eyes was revealed in anisometropic myopia: the common tonus of accommodation in virtual, as well as in real space was higher in eyes with lower myopia; in eyes with higher myopia, the tonus showed negative values in both cases. The monocular accommodative response was the same in the paired eyes, the binocular accommodative response was significantly higher in eyes with higher myopia.

About the authors

Yelena Petrovna Tarutta

Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

doctor of medical science, professor

Natalya Alekseyevna Tarasova

Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases


Narine Vladimirovna Khodzhabekyan

Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

candidate of medical science


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Copyright (c) 2013 Tarutta Y.P., Tarasova N.A., Khodzhabekyan N.V.

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