The surgical experience in recurrent retinal detachments after episcleral procedures

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The two major surgical treatments of retinal detachments are episcleral and intravitreal procedures. There is no general consensus as to which procedure is the most appropriate for this complex disease. The aim of the study was to define differentiated surgical tactics, and to look at five year results of extrascleral surgical procedures based upon clinical and statistical analysis. . The results showed that primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) stage A is an indication for episcleral buckling if tears are located in the retinal periphery. If there are multiple tears, a concomitant macular hole or a large flap tear, the surgery may also include drainage of subretinal fluid, intravitreal air or gas injection, and avoidance of the use of cryotherapy. The causes for 19 recurrences that required subsequent vitreoretinal surgery are: PVR progression after surgery and as a consequence of it a retinal detachment recurrence, epiretinal fibrosis, subretinal proliferation.

About the authors

Abdul-Gamid Davudovich Aliev

GBU NKO «Daghestan microsurgery eye center»

MD, doctor of medical science, professor. Department of Ophtalmology, DGMA, Mahachkala

Dzhenet Nabievna Sharipova

GBU NKO «Daghestan microsurgery eye center»

MD. Candidate of medical science, Department of Ophtalmology N 1

Akhmed Gamidovich Aliev

GBU NKO «Daghestan microsurgery eye center»

MD. Candidate of medical science, Department of Ophtalmology N 1

Maysarat Tinamagomedovna Mikailova

GBU NKO «Daghestan microsurgery eye center»

ophthalmologist, vitreoretinal department


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Copyright (c) 2014 Aliev A.D., Sharipova D.N., Aliev A.G., Mikailova M.T.

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