Some aspects of the comparative characteristics of different computerized perimetry methods

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Purpose - to compare the ease of use, the comfort for persons to be tested, the examination rate, as well as the variability of repeated results obtained using four methods of computerized perimetry. Materials and methods. This clinical study included three groups of patients with open-angle glaucoma (OAG). The 1st group included patients with OAG stage I, the 2nd group - with OAG stage II, the 3rd group - with OAG stage III. The control group included healthy individuals. All tested persons underwent examinations by 4 computerized methods (HFA II, Tomey AP-1000, Pericom, and the FDT-perimetry modification developed at the Ophthalmology Department of the Military Medical Academy). Results. FDT-perimetry appeared to be the shortest, easiest test and most comfortable for tested persons. Perimetry using Tomey AP-1000, Pericom and HFA II was more time-consuming and more difficult to perform. Repeated results of all four methods were better than the first one due to the “learning curve” effect, and showed different variability. Conclusion. To obtain reliable computerized perimetry results, taking into account the possible “learning curve” effect, we recommend repeating the perimetric test at least 2-3 times at same conditions. It is important for the selected perimetric test to be easy to perform, comfortable for persons to be tested, and quite fast to perform.

About the authors

Irina Leonidovna Simakova

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

PhD, doctor of medical science, docent

Svetlana Anatol’yevna Serdyukova

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy



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Copyright (c) 2015 Simakova I.L., Serdyukova S.A.

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