The tolerability and clinical efficacy of “OKOMISTIN” in combination with “Oftalmoferon” in comparison to “Oftalmoferon” as monotherapy in the treatment of adenoviral eye diseases

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Rationale. Adenovirus accounts for 48% to 62% of the cases of acute conjunctivitis [3, 4], and causes significant morbidity. Because of this, an important goal of clinical research is to find new medications which are effective in reducing the symptoms and which are easily tolerated. Objective. To estimate the tolerability and clinical efficacy of “Okomistin” in combination with “Oftalmoferon” in comparison to “Oftalmoferon” as monotherapy in the treatment of adenoviral eye diseases. Material and methods. 42 patients with adenoviral conjunctivitis were monitored. Their age ranged from19 to 59 years. Patients were divided into two groups: the main group and the control group. Patients of the main group received instillations of “Oftalmoferon” 6-8 times a day and those of “Okomistin” qid, patients of the control group - instillations of “Oftalmoferon” 6-8 times a day as monotherapy. Results. Combined use of “Okomistin” and “Oftalmoferon” significantly decreases the time of clinical recovery, is well tolerated, and does not cause toxic and allergic reactions. Conclusion. Combined use of “Okomistin” and “Oftalmoferon” in comparison to “Oftalmoferon” as monotherapy is more effective, but necessitates the use of ophthalmic lubricants.

About the authors

Yury Sergeevich Astakhov

I. P. Pavlov First State Medical University

MD, doctor of medical science, professo. Department of Ophthalmology

Vitaly Olegovich Sokolov

Diagnostic center N 7 (ophthalmological) for adults and children

candidate of medical science, ophthalmologist, head of the center

Natalia Vladimirovna Morozova

Diagnostic center N 7 (ophthalmological) for adults and children

candidate of medical science, deputy head of the center

Dmitrii Alexandrovich Borisov

Diagnostic center N 7 (ophthalmological) for adults and children


Galina Viktorovna Polovinkina

Diagnostic center N 7 (ophthalmological) for adults and children


Yelena Leonidovna Golikova

Diagnostic center N 7 (ophthalmological) for adults and children


Natal’ya Viktorovna Botova

Diagnostic center N 7 (ophthalmological) for adults and children



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Copyright (c) 2013 Astakhov Y.S., Sokolov V.O., Morozova N.V., Borisov D.A., Polovinkina G.V., Golikova Y.L., Botova N.V.

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