ERG assessment of the functional activity of the retina in following the surgical closure of idiopathic macular holes

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Twenty patients with stage 3 or 4 idiopathic macular holes were evaluated with standard cone ERG, photopic flicker ERG at 8,3-30-Hz, to study the function of cone photoreceptors, bipolar cells, and Muller cells after the surgical correction of their macular hole. The correlations between the ERG parameters and the microperimetry and optical coherent tomography data were evaluated. IMH has been associated with the general reduction in the function of the cone photoreceptors and bipolar cells and with the sharp increase in the activity of Muller cells and their functional relationships with some bipolar cells. The nature of the changes in photopic standard and flicker ERGs demonstrated the dependence of the central retinal function on the dynamics of cone bipolar cells’ recovery. In the early period after the surgery of IMH, a sharp reduction in the flicker ERG at 24 Hz was found, to be followed by a progressive increase, which indicated a pronounced reduction in the bipolar cell function with the formation of the IMH and its substantial decrease after the vitreoretinal surgery. A significant increase in the glial index for flicker ERG at 24 Hz may be associated with a compensatory overreaction of retinal Muller cells in the preoperative and in the recovery period after the closure of IMH.

About the authors

Vladimir Vladimirovich Neroev

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

MD, professor, doctor of medical science, head of Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute

Marina Vladimirovna Zueva

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

professor, doctor of biological science, head of S. V. Kravkov Laboratory of clinical physiology of vision

Pavel Alexandrovich Bichkov

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

MD, ophthalmologist of retina pathology department

Irina Vladimirovna Tsapenko

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

candidate of biological science, Senior Researcher of S. V. Kravkov Laboratory of clinical physiology of vision

Ol'ga Ivanovna Sarygina

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

MD, candidate of medical science, Leading Researcher and head of clinic in retina pathology department

Pavel Andreevich Ilyukhin

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

MD, candidate of medical science, research associate of retina pathology department.

Natalija Alekseevna Semenova

Federal State Budgetary Institution “Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases” of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation

research assistant of S.V. Kravkov Laboratory of clinical physiology of vision


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Copyright (c) 2013 Neroev V.V., Zueva M.V., Bichkov P.A., Tsapenko I.V., Sarygina O.I., Ilyukhin P.A., Semenova N.A.

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