Hematogenic ocular tuberculosis: pathohistomorphology, diagnosis

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The results of patho- and histopathology investigations by A.L. Prigoshina in ocular tuberculosis were analyzed, including 98 eyes of 67 patients who died from different forms of tuberculosis forms, and 82 eyes enucleated for poor clinical outcomes of ocular tuberculosis (n=82). Results of the ocular diagnosis of tuberculosis in clinical settings by several authors using different methods are also presented (more than 700 patients). Investigation results prove the probability of hematogenous ocular tuberculosis form separation in the classification. Ocular tuberculosis diagnosis by investigation of a surgical specimens is the most effective method, but is rarely used in clinical practice. Quantiferon test is one of the important but ancillary (probabilistic) criteria to diagnose ocular tuberculosis. We recommend a verification method according to indirect indicators with consideration of statistical significance and informative value of every criterion. This method is effective and could be used in any phtisioophthalmological unit.

About the authors

Yelena Ivanovna Ustinova

I. P. Pavlov State Medical University of St.Petersburg

Email: astakhov@spmu.rssi.ru
MD, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology


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