To the endogenous uveitis classification

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Endogenous uveitis classification importance is obvious due to the large variety of etiological factors and pathogenesis and treatment complexities. Most proposed classifications are based on the description of signs offered in the form of plain text, and available individual schemes do not cover all necessary issues. The recommended classification scheme of endogenous uveitis consists of five sections: etiology, clinical type (pathogenesis), localization, clinical course and the phase of activity. In contrast to the classifications proposed by other authors it is supplemented by the etiologic (additional scheme) and pathogenetic (clinical pathogenic type) parts. Classification allows the clinical diagnosis to reflect the process history taking into account the pathogenic and clinical types of the disease (granulomatous or focal, and nongranulomatous or toxico-allergical uveitis) and to determine the rational therapy.

About the authors

Elena I Ustinova

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

doctor of medical science, associate professor. Department of Ophthalmology


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Copyright (c) 2016 Ustinova E.I.

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