Ocular dirofilariasis: the increasing incidence in a temperate zone

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Over the last years, there is a pronounced tendency of increase in number of dirofilariasis infected animals and humans in the temperate climate area. Earlier, we described five cases of ophthalmodirofilariasis from 2015 to 2018. This article presents four new cases. One of the clinical cases relates to extremely rare localization in the anterior chamber of the eye. Only few reports of Dirofilaria detection in sclera, vitreous and retina have been published.

About the authors

Nataliya G. Zumbulidze

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Author for correspondence.
Email: guramovna@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7729-097X
SPIN-code: 4439-8855

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology Department

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Janina S. Konenkova

City Multi-Field Hospital No. 2

Email: Krocon@mail.ru

MD, Head of Department, Microsurgery Department No. 4

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Alexandr V. Laskin

S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: lar_vma@mail.ru

MD, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Infectious Diseases (with a Course of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Diseases)

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Olga M. Kasatkina

Diagnostic center No. 7 (ophthalmological) for adults and children

Email: kasatik-2101@mail.ru

Ophthalmic Surgeon

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Dmitrij F. Belov

City Multi-Field Hospital No. 2

Email: belovd1990@gmail.com

Ophthalmic Surgeon

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Dmitrij V. Vigonyuk

Regional clinical hospital of the Kaliningrad Region

Email: vigonyk@gmail.com

Ophthalmic Surgeon

Russian Federation, Kaliningrad


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Patient N., 30 years old. a – the parasite is visualized under the skin of the upper eyelid OD; b – helminth under the conjunctiva OD; c – helminth extraction

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3. Fig. 2. Patient N., 52 years old. a – the parasite under the skin of the upper eyelid OD; b – Female D. repens extracted from under the skin of the upper eyelid

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4. Fig. 3. Patient H., 88 years old. a – helminth in the anterior chamber of the eye OD; b – helminth is fixed by the end portion of the body to the stroma of the iris OD

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5. Fig. 4. Patient T., 59 years old. a – subconjunctival localization of helminth OD; b – stage of surgical removal of the parasite

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6. Fig. 5. Photo of the end area of the extracted D. repens female executed with a stereomicroscope digital camera

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7. Fig. 6. Photo of a helminth executed with a stereomicroscope digital camera

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Copyright (c) 2020 Zumbulidze N.G., Konenkova J.S., Laskin A.V., Kasatkina O.M., Belov D.F., Vigonyuk D.V.

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