Two aspects of one problem (results of questionnaire analysis in glaucoma patients)

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The purpose of the study was to investigate the compliance of ophthalmologists and glaucoma patients using questionnaires for patients. Materials and methods: Questionnaires were applied to 72 glaucoma patients. The age range was between 47 and 76 years. All the patients were asked to answer anonymously a number of questions about their disease and treatment. Results and discussion: Problems of interaction and mutual understanding of ophthalmologists and glaucoma patients were revealed. On the one hand, ophthalmologists do not clearly and precisely explain to patients the importance of monitoring and treatment for glaucoma being a chronic disease. On the other hand, patients demonstrate carelessness regarding their health. Conclusion: Our goal was to help glaucoma patients to completely realize their problems, to incline them for treatment and to persuade them that they can cope with their problems only by cooperation of ophthalmologists and patients.

About the authors

Valentina Vladimirovna Podyninogina

Kirov Teaching Ophthalmology Hospital

Ph. D., head of the 3td Department of Ophthalmology

Vladimir Ivanovich Bagaev

Kirov State Medical Academy

M.D., Professor, Head of the Department of Psychiatry

Alexandr Dmitrievich Chuprov

Kirov Teaching Ophthalmology Hospital

MD, PhD, Doc.Med.Sci., head physician


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Copyright (c) 2015 Podyninogina V.V., Bagaev V.I., Chuprov A.D.

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