Clinical efficacy of cryodestruction in benign ocular adnexa tumors

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The aim – to evaluate the functional state of ocular adnexa and of the eyeball after cryodestruction of benign eyelid and conjunctiva tumors using modern cryosurgical equipment.

Materials and methods. Into the study, 87 patients (87 eyes) were included with eyelid and conjunctiva benign tumors after cryosurgical treatment of atheroma, cyst, papilloma, nevus, granuloma, xanthelasma using an autonomous cryoapplicator of porous permeable titanium nickelide.

Results and conclusions. The study showed a high efficacy of cryogenic treatment method using an autonomous cryoapplicator of porous permeable titanium nickelide. Depending on dimensions of the lesion, exposure duration, and the number of repeated applications at the session, the recovery occurred within 1–2 months without functional defect and healthy tissue injury.

About the authors

Aleksey N. Steblyuk

S.N. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex, Krasnodar Branch

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Ophthalmologist

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Victor Ed. Gunter

Tomsk State University


Dr. Sci. Tech., Professor, Head. Research Institute of Medical Materials and Shape Memory Impalnts at Kuznetsov Siberian Physical Technical Institute

Russian Federation, Tomsk

Vadim N. Bodnya

Kuban State Medical University


MD, Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Krasnodar

Olga A. Molokova

Tumen State Medical University


MD, Associate Professor

Russian Federation, Tumen

Ekaterina S. Marchenko

Tomsk State University


Cand. Phys. Sci., Senior Researcher. Research Institute of Medical Materials and Shape Memory Impalnts at Kuznetsov Siberian Physical Technical Institute

Russian Federation, Tomsk

Anna A. Tserkovnaya

Clinical Oncological Dispensary No. 1, Ministry of Health of Krasnodar Region


Oncologist. Clinical Oncological Dispensary No. 1, Ministry of Health of Krasnodar Region; Kuban State Medical University

Russian Federation, Krasnodar


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Patient Kh., aged 70, diagnosed with eyelid atheroma (trychodermal cyst): before surgery (a) and 1 month after tumor cryodestruction (b)

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3. Fig. 2. Patient M., aged 68, diagnosed with lower eyelid cyst: before surgery (a) and 1 month after cryodestruction (b)

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4. Fig. 3. Patient G., aged 43. Diagnosis: dermal nevus of the upper eyelid: 1 week (a) and 1 month (b) after cryodestruction

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5. Fig. 4. Patient K. aged 54. Diagnosis: congenital lower eyelid nevus: before surgery (a), and 1 year after cryodestruction (b)

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6. Fig. 5. Patient A., aged 34. Diagnosis: conjunctival pa­pilloma: before surgery (a) and 1 month after cryodestruction (b)

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7. Fig. 6. Patient A., aged 32. Diagnosis: post-operative conjunctival granuloma: before cryodestruction (a) and 1 month after cryodestruction (b)

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Copyright (c) 2019 Steblyuk A.N., Gunter V.E., Bodnya V.N., Molokova O.A., Marchenko E.S., Tserkovnaya A.A.

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