Vitrocap efficacy in patients with the vitreous body destruction

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The vitreous body destruction (VBD) is one of the most common conditions bringing patients to visit an ophthalmologist. The absence of the effective treatment of VBD today worries both doctors themselves and their patients. Since 2014, “Vitrocap” (Ebiga-VISION, Germany) has been registered in the Russian Federation, its components of which prevent the biochemical and anatomical vitreous body structure changes by a natural way.

Objective: to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Vitrocap in patients with VBD, as well as to analyze the psychological characteristics of individuals complaining of “floaters”.

Material and methods. The study included 32 patients in total, 16 of which (5 men and 11 women aged from 37 to 57 years) comprised the main group of individuals complaining of “floa­ters”. The patients in this group received active treatment using Vitrocap according to the licensed posology. The control group included patients with the vitreous body floaters confirmed by B-scan, but without active complaints. All patients underwent standard echography (A-, B-scan) using the Tomey UD-8000 device with a 15 MHZ frequency sensor before and after treatment. In addition, voluntary anonymous survey was performed in both groups using “Minnesota Multiphase Personality Test” (MMPI).

The results of the study showed that after the Vitrocap course patients reported a reduction or absence of “floaters” complaints in 76% of cases, and according to A-scan characteristics (the number and height of echogenicity peaks) there were quantitative and qualitative improvements in 32% and 80% of cases, correspondingly. According to MMPI test results, the patients in the main group had an increased need for the doctor’s emotional involvement in the process of eliminating visual discomfort. In such cases, the very fact of prescribing therapy caused a beneficial effect on the patient’s emotional state. Thus, we have found Vitrocap treatment to improve both subjective and objective status in patients with VBD.

About the authors

Tat’yana S. Varganova

City Multi-Field Hospital No. 2


PhD, Ophthalmologist

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Anastasiya G. Veryasova

City Multi-Field Hospital No. 2

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Evgeniya D. Erysheva

City Psychiatric Hospital No. 6 (Hospital with Dispensary)


Psychiatrist. Women’s Psychiatric Department No 3

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Dynamics of vision comfort level of patients

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3. Fig. 2. Quality changes of patients complaints.

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4. Fig. 3. Initial treatment, Patient P.: B-scan: transverse projection along the meridian to 6 hours, moderate amount of “clouding” in the vitreous body. A-scan: 21 peaks of low echogenicity

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5. Fig. 4. After a course of the drug “Vitrocap”, patient P.: B-scan: transverse projection along the meridian to 6 hours, moderate amount of “clouding” in the vitreous body. A-scan: 12 peaks of low echogenicity

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6. Fig. 5. Initial treatment, Patient R.: B-scan: maximum horizontal projection, moderate amount of “clouding” in the vitreous body. A-scan: 6 peaks of medium and low echogenicity

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7. Рисунок 6

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8. Окончательная рукопись
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9. Fig. 6. After a course of the drug “Vitrocap”, patient R.: B-scan: maximum horizontal projection, the number of “clou­ding” in the vitreous body decreased. A-scan: 3 peaks of low echogenicity

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10. Fig. 7. Initial treatment, Patient K.: B-scan: axial horizontal projection, moderate amount of “clouding” in the vitreous body. A-scan: 9 peaks of medium and low echogenicity

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11. Fig. 8. After a course of the drug “Vitrocap”, patient K.: B-scan: axial horizontal projection, a small amount of “clouding” in the vitreous body. A-scan: 4 peaks of low echogenicity

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Copyright (c) 2019 Varganova T.S., Veryasova A.G., Erysheva E.D.

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