Methods of cadaver donor cornea evaluation for keratoplasty (literature review)

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At present time, a large amount of patients with corneal diseases require keratoplasty, therefore there is a quite high demand of constant donor cornea stock. In present article, methods of cadaver donor corneal material analysis are described in a sequence that is necessary for its qualitative assessment before surgery or for the choice of the optimal method of preservation in the Eye Bank conditions. It is known that corneal endothelial cells and their viability play a main role in the maintenance of transparency of transplanted corneal flap after penetrating keratoplasty or endothelial keratoplasty. It is for these types of keratoplasty that the highest quality of donor material with preservation of a large number of viable corneal endothelial cells is needed. Corneal flaps with poorer quality of corneal endothelial layer could be successfully used for different types of anterior lamellar keratoplasty and interlamellar keratoplasty. Therefore the adequate evaluation of donor corneal material before surgery allows reducing the risk of postoperative complications associated with failure of the corneal endothelial layer, and increasing graft survival in patients after surgery. In addition, the choice of the optimal type of preservation is of great relevance for maintaining the corneal material as viable in the long run for various types of transplantations.

About the authors

Ekaterina A. Budnikova

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Author for correspondence.

Postgraduate Student, Laboratory Researcher, Department of Reconstructive Surgery of the Anterior Segment of the Eye

Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergey V. Trufanov

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases


MD, Acting Head. Department of Reconstructive Surgery of the Anterior Segment of the Eye

Russian Federation, Moscow

Vera N. Rozinova

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases


PhD, Senior Researcher, Department of Reconstructive Surgery of the Anterior Segment of the Eye

Russian Federation, Moscow

Grigoriy A. Osipyan

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases


PhD, Senior Researcher, Department of Reconstructive Surgery of the Anterior Segment of the Eye

Russian Federation, Moscow

Tatyana S. Mitichkina

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases


PhD, Senior Researcher, Department of Refractive Changes

Russian Federation, Moscow

Marina A. Makarova

Federal State Scientific Institution Research Institute of Eye Diseases


Junior Researcher, Department of Reconstructive Surgery of the Anterior Segment of the Eye

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2018 Budnikova E.A., Trufanov S.V., Rozinova V.N., Osipyan G.A., Mitichkina T.S., Makarova M.A.

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