A novel method for assessing valvular mechanism of deep inguinal ring considering the objective topographic anatomical criteria

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Aim. To develop a method to assess the valvular mechanism of deep inguinal ring based on objective topographic anatomical criteria. Methods. The research was performed on 123 native corpses of persons without pathology of the anterior abdominal wall. Morphometric examination of the inguinal canal was carried out. The shape of the inguinal gap was determined, inguinal gap and inguinal canal length was measured, as well as deep inguinal ring length and height and deep inguinal ring height. Oval fissured inguinal gap was revealed in 49 (39.8%) persons, intermediate oval - in 51 (41.5%), triangular - in 23 (18.7%). Results. The dependence of the length of the inguinal canal, inguinal gap length, deep inguinal ring size and its standing height on the inguinal gap shape was examined. The method for an objective assessment of the deep inguinal ring valvular mechanism was proposed. The method is based on determining the deep inguinal ring location in reference to the internal oblique abdominal muscles by estimating the integral rate of the inguinal canal length and the inguinal gap length and deep inguinal ring height. Three options for the deep inguinal ring location: upper lateral, lower medial and boundary location are described. Deep inguinal ring positions were determined by cluster analysis. In cases of upper lateral position, which was observed in 28 (22.8%) of cases, the valvular mechanism of deep inguinal ring was stable. In cases of deep inguinal ring lower medial position (41 cases, 33.3%), the opposite results were gained. In cases of deep inguinal ring boundary location (54 cases, 43.9%), the valvular mechanism is stable, but may become insolvent if destructive changes of the lateral abdominal muscles and deep inguinal ring expansion were present. Conclusion. An objective method of assessing the deep inguinal ring valvular mechanism, based on determining the deep inguinal ring location in reference to the oblique abdominal muscles was developed.

About the authors

A V Chernyh

Voronezh State Medical Academy named by N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia

E N Lyubyh

Voronezh State Medical Academy named by N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia

V G Vitchinkin

Voronezh State Medical Academy named by N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia

E I Zakurdaev

Voronezh State Medical Academy named by N.N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia

Email: ezakurdaev@rambler.ru


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© 2014 Chernyh A.V., Lyubyh E.N., Vitchinkin V.G., Zakurdaev E.I.

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