Consideration of risk factors in the choice of surgical tactics in acute bleeding from a chronic duodenal ulcer

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A system for predicting the outcomes of acute bleeding from a chronic duodenal ulcer is presented. With the help of single risk factors and their combinations, indications for blood transfusion, risk factors for recurrent bleeding, severity of patients (life-threatening bleeding), indications for emergency surgery, risk factors for drug treatment and emergency surgery were determined. Based on this system, 163 people were treated (main group). Compared with a group of 418 patients (control group), a decrease in mortality and volumes of transfused blood was achieved.

About the authors

M. A. Trunin

Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute

Author for correspondence.

Head — Prof., Department of Surgical Diseases named after prof. V. A. Oppel

Russian Federation, Leningrad

Yu. V. Plotnikov

Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute


Department of Surgical Diseases named after prof. V. A. Oppel

Russian Federation, Leningrad

A. A. N. Abu-Obeid

Leningrad Sanitary and Hygienic Medical Institute


Department of Surgical Diseases named after prof. V. A. Oppel

Russian Federation, Leningrad


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