90 years of the Ural State Medical University: development of scientific activity

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Since the foundation of the Ural State Medical University (USMU), the importance of scientific activity in the training of specialists with higher medical education has been determined. A contribution to the history of medical science in the Urals since the 30s of the twentieth century was made by those who began work at the Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute, whose discoveries made it possible to find new methods of diagnosis and treatment, to identify the causes of any disease. For 90 years, the results of the activities of representatives of the established scientific directions and schools of Ural State Medical University have been used in the educational process and healthcare. The article describes the promotion of scientific activity of Ural State Medical University and its productivity over the previous decade. We analyzed reports on research activities for 2010–2020, materials based on the results of monitoring the effectiveness of Ural State Medical University, scientometric databases “Russian Science Citation Index” (RSCI), Web of Science, Scopus. Along with the development of traditional medical research areas and schools, the university researches in the areas of scientific medical platforms, cooperates with leading scientific, educational and medical organizations. The development of personalized medicine, digital medicine, reconstructive medicine, as well as the use of cellular technologies, and the fight against infectious diseases are highlighted among the topical areas. Over the current decade, the number of publications indexed in international abstract databases has increased 4 times in Scopus, 2 times in Web of Science, and 2.6 times in RSCI. The total number of citations of articles over five years (2016–2020) in Scopus was 990, Web of Science — 766. The number of articles included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, for a number of years on average — 456. There is the dynamic development of the scientific activity of Ural State Medical University with a focus on cooperation with leading research teams of other organizations, the implementation of research on a state assignment, accompanied by a significant increase in publication activity.

About the authors

O P Kovtun

Ural state medical university

Email: niu@usma.ru
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Russia

M A Ufimtseva

Ural state medical university

Email: niu@usma.ru
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Russia

E V Fedorova

Ural state medical university

Author for correspondence.
Email: niu@usma.ru
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation

I V Vakhlova

Ural state medical university

Email: niu@usma.ru
Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Russia


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