The levels of circulating cytokines in the early post-implantation period

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Aim. Analysis of cytokine levels in the blood and dentogingival fluid in patients before and after dental implantation. Methods. 164 patients with dental implants were examined, the average age was 54.6±4.17 years. Dental implantation was performed in one- and two-step procedures, osteoplastic materials Geistlich Bio-Oss spongiosa granules 0.5 g and Bio-Gide membranes 25×25 mm (Germany) were used. A total of 641 implants were installed. The course of post-implantation period was studied in all patients on days 1-3 and 6-7. Dental fluid was collected from each implant with sterile filter paper strips «F». The level of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines were measured in the blood serum and gingival fluid before and 6-7 days after intervention by the solid-phase ELISA method. Results. Immediately after implantation (1-2 days), all patients noted soreness, swelling and hyperemia, which on day 3 regressed in 139 (84.6%) patients, and 25 (15.2%) patients were diagnosed with acute mucositis, manifested by edema and hyperemia of soft tissues in the implant area. After dental implantation, imbalance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines was observed, especially in complicated cases. The most pronounced changes were noted in the concentration of TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6. Predominance of hyperproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines in acute mucositis was revealed. The ratio of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in acute mucositis was increased by 5.5 times (p <0.001) in the blood and by 5.0 times (p <0.001) in gingival fluid. Conclusion. Time course of cytokine levels in blood serum and gingival fluid before and after dental implantation indicate changes in the balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines; an increase of the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines is especially pronounced against the background of acute mucositis and changes in the level of anti-inflammatory interleukin-4 and -10 have multidirectional character.

About the authors

N A Panakhov

Azerbaijan Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Baku, Azerbaijan

T G Makhmudo

Azerbaijan Medical University

Baku, Azerbaijan


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© 2017 Panakhov N.A., Makhmudo T.G.

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