Results of the treatment of the marginal periodontium inflammation with the use of diode laser prior to orthopedic rehabilitation

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Aim. Evaluation of the results of treatment of marginal periodontium inflammation with the use of diode laser prior to prosthetic treatment with fixed prosthetic constructions.

Methods. The study involved 54 patients with a diagnosis of moderate or severe chronic generalized periodontitis referred by orthopedists for the treatment of marginal periodontium inflammation at the stage of preprosthetic preparation. All patients were divided into 2 groups. The study group consisted of 33 patients who underwent conservative treatment with the use of diode laser. The comparison group consisted of 21 patients who underwent anti-inflammatory treatment with the use of Vector Paro device. The study results were evaluated 3, 6 and 12 months after the procedure.

Results. On examination after 5 days hyperemia and edema of the gum significantly decreased in 36% of patients in the study group (they had repetitive procedure of laser curettage performed) and totally disappeared in 64%. Also no bleeding on probing was registered, the gum was firmly against the tooth tissue. All patients from the study group reported clinically significant decrease of bleeding according to Muhlemann-Saxer papillary bleeding index. Before treatment in patients from both groups the periodontal pocket depth was in average 4.98±1.96 mm and the proportion of pockets deeper than 4 mm was 24.4%. Gum recession was in average 0.94±1.02 mm.

Conclusion. Use of laser therapy with high intensity diode laser in the complex treatment of periodontal diseases is reasonable and effective as it allows achieving stable remission, that is proved by clinical examination and indices, and significant reduction of periodontal treatment duration prior to orthopaedic treatment.

About the authors

N V Maksimova

Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov

Author for correspondence.
Ryazan, Russia


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