Species spectrum of microflora of upper digestive tract mucosa and its effect on the development of pathology in children

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Aim. To study microbial landscape of duodenal mucosa and bile samples from children with disorders of the upper digestive tract.

Methods. The study material included 69 biopsy samples of duodenal mucosa obtained during upper endoscopy and bile samples (106 samples) obtained at fractional duodenal sounding of 106 children. An expanded set of growth media (5% blood agar, Endo’s medium, Ploskireva’s medium and alkaline bile agar) was used followed by biochemical identification, that allows revealing a wide range of contamination with aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms.

Results. It was found that in children with isolated forms of chronic gastroduodenitis and functional gallbladder disorders the frequency of H. pylori detection was significantly higher compared to other children who have organic desease of biliary system in the form of chronic сholecystitis.

Conclusion. Infection is the trigger mechanism for the development of combined pathology of the upper digestive tract and the biliary system; in organic cholepathies mixed infection combined with H. pylori infection is more common.

About the authors

M A Kazakova

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: ku4umovamarija@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia

O K Pozdeev

Kazan State Medical Academy

Email: ku4umovamarija@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia

Yu V Valeeva

Kazan State Medical University

Email: ku4umovamarija@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia

L G Morozova

Kazan State Medical Academy

Email: ku4umovamarija@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia

R A Fayzullina

Kazan State Medical University

Email: ku4umovamarija@gmail.com
Kazan, Russia


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© 2017 Kazakova M.A., Pozdeev O.K., Valeeva Y.V., Morozova L.G., Fayzullina R.A.

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