On the history of management of the third stage of labor in Kazan (to the 155th anniversary of the birth of Professor V.S. Gruzdev)

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The article aims to show the experience of the Kazan Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic named after V.S. Gruzdev for replacing the obstetric operation “manual removal of the placenta” with other techniques to prevent serious postpartum complications. Research methods — the historical study of primary literature sources. Manual removal of the placenta always associated with the risk of infection and developing puerperal sepsis. That is why obstetricians are constantly looking for a replacement for this operation. In 1895, even in the pre-Kazan period of work, professor Gruzdev successfully performed a method of inserting saline into the umbilical vessels to speed-up placental separation in the third stage of labor. While working in Kazan, on his proposal, doctor L.S. Sidorova (1936), and then Professor P.V. Manenkov (1942, 1948, 1955) and doctor M.V. Korotkova (1958) thoroughly studied and implemented the method of Budimilich in the work of the maternity ward of the clinic. This method involves replacing the saline solution with the crude alum solution. The second measure, preventing hemorrhage in the third stage of labor and avoiding manual removal of the placenta, was the successfully testing intravenous pituitrin (oxytocin) injection by Z.N. Yakubova, completed with the defense of her doctoral dissertation (1962). The high efficiency of these methods allowed us to recommend to them for widespread obstetric practice.

About the authors

L A Kozlov

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: klev1930@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Рис. 1. Профессор П.В. Маненков (1938)

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3. Рис. 2. Профессор З.Н. Якубова

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