Diagnostic value of research methods in diagnostics of chronic pancreatitis

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Chronic pancreatitis remains an unsolved problem for clinicians. One of the biggest dilemmas is to establish a clear diagnosis. Diagnosis can be particularly elusive in patients with early chronic pancreatitis. Many studies have been undertaken to improve diagnostics in chronic pancreatitis, but this has been significantly limited by the lack of a “gold standard”. The evaluation of patients with suspected chronic pancreatitis should follow a progressively non-invasive to more invasive approach. Computed tomography is the best primary imaging modality to obtain as it has good sensitivity for severe chronic pancreatitis and may exclude the need for other diagnostic tests. When ambiguous results are obtained, a magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography may require for a more detailed evaluation of both the pancreatic parenchyma and ducts. If the diagnosis remains in doubt, endoscopic ultrasound with or without pancreas function testing becomes the preferred method. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography remains a last line diagnostic test and generally should be used only for diagnostic purposes. Future researches in the field of diagnosis of early-stage chronic pancreatitis should purpose optimizing current diagnostic tools. A definitive diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis may not be made simply by clinical history, imaging or function testing alone, but rather by the data gathered by a combination of these diagnostic tools.

About the authors

G R Aliyeva

Scientific Center of Surgery named after M.A. Topchubashov

Author for correspondence.
Email: gunayaliyeva80@gmail.com
Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan


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Supplementary files

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2. Рис. 1. Визуализация псевдокисты поджелудочной железы на компьютерной томограмме [9]

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