Surgical treatment of cut wounds of the pharynx and larynx

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Deep wounds of the neck are of great practical interest in view of the associated wounds of organs important for life (pharynx, larynx, large vessels). Without dwelling on gunshot injuries to the neck, I will confine myself to the analysis of penetrating cut wounds in the neck. Cut wounds of the pharynx and larynx are observed mostly in attempts to commit suicide, less often in murders. Reports from Russian surgical institutions show that cut wounds in the neck are rare, and that wounds penetrating the throat and larynx are even less common.

About the authors

I. L. Tsimkhes

Surgical clinic of Kazan State Institute for advanced training of doctors

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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  4. Левит. Врач, газ- № 8, 1910 г.
  5. Максимов. Русск. врач. № 21, 1915 г.
  6. Обзоры за 15лет (1910—1925 г.) Госпитальн. хирург, клиники I Московск. гос. унив. под редакц. проф. А. В. М а р т ы н о в а, т. I. 1927 г.
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  8. К. И. Цивинский. Хирургия. Т. XXVII. 1910 .
  9. Фирфаров. Сиб. врач. газ. № 48, 1912 г.

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