Possibility of reducing blood loss during and after multiple birth

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Multiple pregnancy and multiple birth are pathologic obstetric situations. Recently occurrence of multiple pregnancy has increased due to increase of the age at planned pregnancy and widespread use of assisted reproductive technologies including in vitro fertilization. As a result clinicians practicing in obstetrics face more frequent multiple pregnancies, mostly twins. Risk of bleeding during multiple pregnancy, delivery and the postpartum period is estimated as high and is two times higher than in single pregnancy. The main causes of postpartum hemorrhage in multiple pregnancy are uterine hypotony or atony. Hemostatic changes occurring during pregnancy, unspecific and specific complications of multiple pregnancy are important as well. Correct management of the second period of a multiple vaginal delivery allows reducing the volume of blood loss. Method of fetal extraction in the intact amniotic sac allows reducing the influence of external factors on neonate’s head and the volume of blood loss during Cesarean section. Blood loss reducing is caused by amniotic sac compressing the vessels and therefore decreasing bleeding from the uterine incision for the time enough to extract the fetuses. Active management of the third period of vaginal delivery and afterbirth extraction with traction of umbilical cord during Cesarean section are crucial. Suggested regimens of uterotonics (oxytocin, carbetocin, misoprostol) and antifibrinolytics (tranexamic acid) reduce the risk of postpartum hemorrhage.

About the authors

N R Akhmadeev

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: akhmadeyevnr@gmail.com

F I Fatkullin

Kazan State Medical University

Email: akhmadeyevnr@gmail.com

G R Khayrullina

Kazan State Medical University

Email: akhmadeyevnr@gmail.com

N Yu Bystritskaya

City Clinical Hospital No.7

Email: akhmadeyevnr@gmail.com


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© 2016 Akhmadeev N.R., Fatkullin F.I., Khayrullina G.R., Bystritskaya N.Y.

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