Influence of fluorinated and iodized salt on mineral composition of deciduous teeth formed in biogeochemical deficiency of fluoride and iodide

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Aim. To study the content of Ca, P, F and I in enamel and dentin composition of deciduous teeth, which are formed in fluoride and iodide deficiency, and its dynamics on the background of the 3-year consumption of fluorinated and iodized salt.

Methods. The mineral composition of the deciduous teeth enamel and dentin of 6-12 years old children, born and living in conditions of biogeochemical deficiency of fluoride (0.02-0.08 ppm F in water) and iodide (0.033-0.005 ppm I in water) before and after consumption of fluorinated and iodized salt containing sodium fluoride 300±50 ppm F and potassium iodate 40±10 ppm I was studied. The first phase of the study was conducted before inclusion of fluorinated-iodized salt in the diet of schoolchildren. Using X-ray microanalysis, macro- and microelements of 47 intact deciduous teeth were studied. The contents of the four elements (Ca, P, F, and I) in three layers of enamel (the surface layer, intermediate layer, at the enamel-dentin border) and in three layers of the dentine (the layer at the enamel-dentin border, a middle layer, circumpulpal layer). The second phase of a study on the mineral composition of the enamel and dentin was conducted 3 years after the beginning of fluorinated and iodized salt consumption. 51 deciduous intact tooth were investigated.

Results. 3-year consumption of table salt with the addition of sodium fluoride and potassium iodate has led to a significant increase in calcium, phosphorus in the enamel of the all teeth groups. The highest content of fluorine was registered in the molars where the level of fluorine increased by 2.08 times from baseline. The fluorine level in canines increased by 1.76 times from baseline, in incisors - by 1.69 times. The iodine content in the enamel increased approximately 2-fold (incisors - 1.77 times, canines - 1.89 times, molars - 1.85 times), in the dentin, depending on the teeth groups, increase in the studied parameter was by 3.12-3.51 times.

Conclusion. 3-year consumption of fluorinated and iodized salt containing sodium fluoride 300±50 ppm F and potassium iodate 40±10 ppm I stimulates increasing the content of Ca, P, F and I in the enamel and the dentin of deciduous teeth formed in fluoride and iodide deficiency.

About the authors

R M Ahmedbeyli

Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku

Author for correspondence.

A M Safarov

Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


F Y Mamedov

Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku


C R Ahmedbeyli

Azerbaijan Advanced Training Institute for Doctors


N N Kononkova

Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academу of Sciences



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© 2016 Ahmedbeyli R.M., Safarov A.M., Mamedov F.Y., Ahmedbeyli C.R., Kononkova N.N.

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