Hybrid approach of arterial allograft application in reconstructive surgery of the great arteries

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The article presents a case of a hybrid intervention using an arterial allograft on the great arteries of the lower extremities in a patient with chronic limb threatening ischemia and prosthetic infection. The patient has a history of repeated operations using synthetic polytetrafluoroethylene and dacron prostheses. In the early postoperative period, a clinical presentation of the prosthesis bed suppuration developed. The article shows the main phases of patient treatment: removal of synthetic prostheses, transplantation of the donor femoral artery, and balloon angioplasty of the popliteal and anterolateral arteries. In the postoperative period, blood circulation in the lower limb is fully compensated, and the dorsal pedis artery pulse is determined. Wounds were healed by primary intention. At the control visit after 6 months, no adverse events were revealed; according to the data of duplex scanning, the main blood flow in the arteries of the leg was recorded, the blood circulation was fully compensated. Thus, hybrid intervention using arterial allograft and balloon angioplasty of the popliteal and anterolateral tibial arteries proved to be an effective method of treatment in the current clinical situation.

About the authors

R E Kalinin

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov,

Email: sdrr.s@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Ryazan Russia

I A Suchkov

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

Email: sdrr.s@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Ryazan Russia

V V Karpov

Regional Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Email: sdrr.s@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Ryazan, Russia

N A Solianik

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

Email: sdrr.s@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Ryazan, Russia

A S Pshennikov

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov; Regional Clinical Hospital

Email: sdrr.s@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Ryazan, Russia; Ryazan, Russia

A A Egorov

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov; Regional Clinical Hospital

Email: sdrr.s@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Ryazan Russia; Ryazan Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Рис. 1. Ангиографическое исследование артерий правой нижней конечности. Критический стеноз подколенной артерии

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3. Рис. 2. Анастомоз протеза и подколенной артерии

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4. Рис. 3. Рентгенэндоваскулярная дилатация подколенной артерии

Download (43KB)
5. Рис. 4. Ангиографический контроль. Просвет артерий восстановлен

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© 2021 Kalinin R.E., Suchkov I.A., Karpov V.V., Solianik N.A., Pshennikov A.S., Egorov A.A.

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