Modern methods of surgical treatment of staghorn nephrolithiasis

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Staghorn nephrolithiasis is a form of urolithiasis characterized by kidney stones formation that partially or completely fills the collecting system. Staghorn nephrolithiasis has a malignant course, accompanied by collecting system retention and impaired renal function. This pathology is a common cause of disability, which is particularly importance in the context of its prevalence among people of working age. The review systematizes the currently relevant data on surgery of staghorn nephrolithiasis, presents methods of surgical treatment, defines the selection options within them, their advantages and disadvantages, indications, contraindications and complications. This information can help in making an informed decision and increase the effectiveness of treatment for patients with that disease. At the moment, there is an arsenal of treatment options for staghorn nephrolithiasis, among them mi¬nimally invasive high-tech operations are the most advanced and recognized as the methods of choice. The modernization of existing technologies increases their efficiency and safety, but their high cost and the impossibility of using in some cases often make one prefer more traumatic radical interventions. Traditional surgery remains a reliable method of treatment, allowing simultaneous operations and treatment of complex cases of the disease. The possibility of combining existing methods allows for the effective removal of staghorn stones in different groups of patients. Thus, a careful and differentiated approach to the methods of surgical treatment of staghorn nephrolithiasis, their use in combination allows ensuring high efficiency of surgical treatment of this pathology.

About the authors

M E Sitdykova

Kazan State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia

E A Viktorov

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia

A Ju Zubkov

Kazan State Medical University

Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia


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